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A temporary promotion is the temporary assignment of an employee to a higher graded position for a specified period of time, with the employee returning to his/her permanent position upon the expiration of the temporary action or the temporary action becoming permanent. The temporarily promoted employee receives the higher graded salary for the period assigned and gains experience and time-in-grade at the higher grade level.

Temporary promotions are intended for meeting temporary needs of the agency's work program when necessary services cannot be provided by other means. Temporary promotions can be used in situations such as unanticipated absences, temporary shortage of employees, emergency work situations, or pending permanent fill action.

The initial 120 days of a temporary promotion may be made noncompetitively, which means the selected employee does not have to compete with other employees for the temporary assignment. However, if it is to be extended beyond that time it must be opened for competition with others. For an employee to be temporarily promoted, all qualification requirements must be met the same as if the promotion were permanent. This requires developing a job analysis and Crediting Plan, and referring a Merit Promotion Certificate to the supervisor for selection.

For employees covered by the bargaining unit, the union contract should be reviewed prior to effecting this action.
n 5 CFR Chapter 335
n 370 DM 335
RELATED TOPICS: Details, Qualification and Candidate Evaluation, Candidate Referral and Selection

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior