BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Austria Local time: 01:54 AM

Trade Winds Europe (TWE): Warsaw, Poland, 2009

Trade Winds Europe (TWE): Warsaw, Poland, April 2009

The U.S. Department of Commerce &
The U.S. Commercial Service are pleased to announce:

Trade Winds Europe (TWE)
Warsaw, Poland

April 20 - 22, 2009

REGISTER TODAY - This event is open to only 50 U.S. Companies!

Does Your Company Have a Pan-European Business Strategy?

Senior Commercial Officers currently stationed in 27 European countries are in the unique position to deliver the most up-to-date information on developing opportunities for U.S. businesses in this region. The Officers are your best resource to help your company get settled in Europe and will give advice on how to develop and maintain market presence, find local partners, help launch your products or services, obtain valuable market research and protect your IPR in the respective countries. As a registered participant of TWE 2009, you will receive an agenda of pre-arranged appointments prior to arrival at the Trade Winds Conference and you will furthermore have the opportunity to meet privately with Senior Commercial Officers to discuss business opportunities for your company.

Our suggestion: While in Europe, take the opportunity to visit another high-potential market for your product / service - for an additional fee we recommend an optional day of customized business appointments in your country of choice. Europe presents a market filled with opportunities for U.S. businesses - if you're already doing business in one, two or several European countries, expansion throughout the continent is the next logical step. By participating in the Trade Winds Europe Conference, your U.S. company has the chance to launch or increase sales in this booming region with a customized itinerary, according to country market demand.

Meet with U.S. Senior Commercial Officers
from 27 Countries in Europe - All in one location! 

If you would like to set up a meeting with the U.S. Senior Commercial Officer to Austria at TWE, please feel free to contact our office.

Customize Your Itinerary!

For an additional fee we recommend an optional day of customized business appointments in your country of choice. The industry specialists at the U.S. Commercial Service in Vienna, Austria would be happy to accommodate your visit.

Extra Promotion:
Special Edition of "Commercial News USA (CNUSA)"

This catalog-style magazine is designed to help American companies promote products and services to buyers overseas. All companies will be listed in a special Trade Winds Europe CNUSA for distribution and promotion throughout Europe. Each company receives ΒΌ page ad; $1,650 for companies with less than 500 employees; $2,850 for companies with more than 500 employees. Please note: The above indicated fees do not include air travel or lodging. This event is open to only 50 U.S. companies with market potential in Europe.

For additional information and registration, please visit the following website:
If you have any questions regarding the Austrian market, please contact our office.