BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Qatar Local time: 01:28 AM

Doing Business in Qatar

Are you aware of the significant opportunities in Qatar, a Gulf Emirate roughly the size of Connecticut and a population of 1.8 million? 

Qatar's GDP growth rate has registered double digits over the last four years (2004 - 2008) due to oil exports and its successful investment in the liquified natural gas (LNG) industry. 

Qatar at a Glance

   *   Qatar has the third largest reserves of natural gas in the world;
   *   Qatar’s per capita GDP is among the highest in the world at about $80,000;
   *   Multi-billion dollar projects in numerous sectors in the years ahead;
   *   The U.S. is Qatar's largest trading partner; and
   *   Business-friendly commercial procedures and political stability.

Download our Qatar at a Glance fact sheet here. 

Country Commercial Guide on Qatar

Our Country Commercial Guide presents a comprehensive look at Qatar's commercial environment, including economic, political, and market analysis.  The up-to-date report covers market conditions, best export prospects, export financing, assistance in finding distributors, and legal and cultural issues.  Table of contents:

  • Chapter 1:   Doing Business in Qatar 
  • Chapter 2:   Political and Economic Environment
  • Chapter 3:   Selling U.S. Products and Services
  • Chapter 4:   Leading Sectors for U.S. Export and Investment
  • Chapter 5:   Trade Regulations and Standards
  • Chapter 6:   Investment Climate
  • Chapter 7:   Trade and Project Financing
  • Chapter 8:   Business Travel
  • Chapter 9:   Contacts, Market Research and Trade Events
  • Chapter 10: Guide to Our Services

Download our 2008 Country Commercial Guide report here.

Other On-Line Reference Resources

Country Background Note:  Qatar (State Department)

IMF Country Report on Qatar -- 2009

CIA World Factbook:  Qatar

National Trade Estimate on Qatar (USTR) 

Industry Specific Information

To obtain more industry-specific information, please contact us.