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Civilian Complaints

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is primarily a litigating office and not an investigative office. Almost all the complaints we receive request we investigate some allegation. We either refer those complaints to one of the investigating agencies or we return the complaint with instructions to go to one of those agencies. A list of those agencies, with appropriate links, appears below. Your complaint will be more efficiently processed if you go directly to the most appropriate agency listed below.

Bank and Financial Institution Fraud FBI - Manhattan

Secret Service
Child Pornography FBI - Manhattan
Postal Inspection Service
Civil Rights Abuses FBI - Manhattan
Computer Crimes FBI - Manhattan
Consumer Fraud FBI - Manhattan
Postal Inspection Service
Counterfeiting Secret Service
Environmental Crime FBI - Manhattan
Firearms, Explosives and Arson BATF - 800 ATF GUNS
BATF - Manhattan
Fugitives U. S. Marshal Service
Hate Crimes FBI - Manhattan
Immigration Crime Homeland Security
Medicare Fraud and
Private Insurance Health Care Fraud
Health & Human Service
FBI - Manhattan
Narcotics DEA - Manhattan
Other Fraud on Government FBI - Manhattan
Passport and Visa Fraud Dept. of State, Bureau Diplomatic Security
Public Corruption Federal Inspectors General
Violent Crime FBI - Manhattan
Tax Fraud IRS
Telemarketing Fraud FBI - Manhattan
Terrorism FBI - Manhattan
Threats Against U.S. Presidents & Others Secret Service

There may be limited instances where you believe none of above agencies is the appropriate place to lodge your complaint. If that is the case and you believe the U.S. Attorney's Office should be made aware directly, please contact either the Criminal or Civil Divisions, the Civil Rights Unit, or the White Plains Office by using the appropriate link below. If the incident has to do with suspected civil rights violations, use that link specifically.