BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Mexico Local time: 07:21 PM

Security Information for U.S. Firms

Given continuing inquiries on Mexico's security situation as it affects U.S. business activity in this country, we wish to call readers attention to the U.S. State Department Travel Alert for U.S. citizens visiting and living in Mexico. 

The security situation along the US-Mexico border has become more fluid, while other parts of the country remain largely unaffected by the Mexican federal government's crackdown on narcotraffickers and organized criminal elements.

For more information, please visit:

Travel Alert

Further Information for U.S. Exporters

U.S. businesses with questions on the security situation in Mexico are welcome to contact the appropriate U.S. Commercial Service office, or the Regional Security Office in Mexico City or our nine consulates throughout Mexico.

Overseas Security Advisory Council

The Overseas Security Advisory Council is also an excellent resource for security information on Mexico and over 100 countries worldwide.