BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

North Carolina


About This Event:

Developed by the US Department of Commerce for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, ExporTech is the "how-to" program that will help your small-or medium-sized company enter or expand into global markets by assisting in the development of an international growth plan customized specifically for your business.  Utilizing a team of exporting experts, ExporTech will help your company move quickly beyond planning, into actual, profitable export sales.

Why should I care about global markets and exporting?

Export sales are the fastest growing segment of the market due to the weak dollar and rapid growth in many emerging economies.  Many U.S. firms that have survived stiff global competition are now in a better position to compete in the international markets.  The ExporTech program leads companies through a facilitated learning and development process htat prepares them for profitable growth in global markets.

Recomended For:

The ExporTech program is intended for executives and is aimed at both new-to-export companies and those that have done some exporting, but have not fully exploited global opportunities.

ExporTech will give your company:

  • Resources to help you rapidly move from planning to actual sales and payment
  • International strategies and success factors based on real-world company research
  • A robust export plan in just three months
  • Connection with reputable resources and expert consultations
  • Accelerated speed to market, actual leads and sales

Topics covered include:

  • Rationale and strategy for international growth
  • Mechanics of Exporting
  • Customized international growth plan

Registration Information:

Date: May 5, June 2, July 9, 2009
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Greensboro, NC
Fee: $600 for single registrations; Discount: $400 per person for each additional registration from the same organization.

Training is limited to eight companies. Register your interest now by clicking here!