BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Opportunities with EBRD

The U.S. is the largest single shareholder in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the world’s newest multilateral development bank. The Bank’s program promotes the growth of market-based economies in 28 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. With US$20 billion of capital, the Bank offers a wide range of financing mechanisms to promote privatization, restructuring, and liberalization in this highly dynamic region.

AC-EBRD offers valuable assistance to help U.S. companies conduct business with the EBRD, we provide support primarily in three ways:

Information: Information for U.S. firms on opportunities created by EBRD projects, and how to access these opportunities. We do this through outreach events (seminars, conferences, workshops) organized in coordination with the EBRD’s External Relations, Commercial Service offices, or other U.S. Government or private organizations, and through utilizing various databases.

Business facilitation services: Including one-on-one counseling, strategic planning, information-gathering for specific needs, contact/introductions and meeting planning.

Advocacy: Support for U.S. on EBRD projects. This includes guidance on the procurement process, assistance with payment issues, and direct and indirect advocacy with regard to specific problems or procurement issues.

In addition to direct support for U.S. firms, we also provide support for the US Executive Directorate office in policy roles such as reviewing bank documents for procurement issues or other commercial implications, and providing support in reviewing/analyzing procurement related issues.

Three ways that U.S. companies can work with the EBRD:

• As borrowers/investors in private sector projects

• As suppliers of equipment and services to Bank-financed public sector projects

• As consultants under the Bank's Technical Cooperation program and Bank-financed projects.

For further information, please contact:

Mr Sanford Owens
Senior Commercial Officer

Ms Gurjit Bassi
Commercial Specialist

U.S. Commercial Liaison Office
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Telephone Number: [44] (20) 7588 8490
Fax Number: [44] (20) 7588 8443

Please refer to for more information on EBRD and how the U.S. Commercial Service works with them.