BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Meet the Chicago Interns!

Commercial Service Chicago - Interns for Winter Quarter 2008-2009.  Their Bios and Areas of Interest are below for your reference.

Photo of Tina Al-Saigh


I am a senior at DePaul University with at double major in Finance and Marketing.  I became interested in Finance because the stock market and financial workings of a company intrigue me.  Marketing appealed to me because I like studying consumer behavior and different ways to sell a product.  In addition to my interest in Finance and Marketing, I am interested in traveling and learning more about other countries.  Part of the reason I like working for U.S. Commercial Services is because I get to research and learn about the business climates of so many different countries.  After graduation, I hope to work for an international company that will provide me with an opportunity to travel and learn the business practices of other countries.  I believe that my double major combined with the experience of working for U.S. Commercial Services will help me achieve this goal. 

Photo of Intern Robert Madeja


I am a current senior at Loyola University Chicago double majoring in Finance and Economics with a minor in Asian Studies. Finance has always been something I have been passionate about because it is ultimately what drives commerce, and of course economics helps to understand markets and the way they work.  The U.S. Commercial Service internship appealed to me because I wanted to be on the forefront of international trade.  I wanted to understand how the US Government accomplishes the task of creating  relationships and trust with the goal of not only improving the lives of Americans, but people of the countries who are the recipients of the product or service that is exported.  I have always been interested in the world and its people, but a study abroad trip to Beijing, China in the Fall of 2007 fueled this interest even more. After graduation I hope to go into financial planning or consulting for a multi-national company. Down the road I would like to start my own consulting firm, helping firms to find financing to increase their competitiveness in this rapidly globalizing world. 

Photo of intern Ashley MotherheadASHLEY MOTHERSHEAD

I'm a sophomore with an international business major at Elmhurst College. Originally from Brockway, Montana, I am interested in seeking a career within foreign trade or international affairs. After experiencing international study abroad and travel opportunities in places such as the Caribbean and Western Europe, I became triggered in exploring more careers that would allow me to pursue my passion for this field. I chose an internship with Chicago’s U.S. Commercial Service because it offers amazing opportunities to not only become engaged in the international business environment, but it also assists me in developing a deeper understanding of global markets. By helping companies in their development and exporting objectives, I am given the opportunity to experience real world issues outside of the classroom.  In addition to studying international business, I am also attaining a minor in both the French language and Music. My goals are to continue studying foreign languages and to one day be able to work for an international firm or organization. Also, my plans for finishing my degree include taking advantage of studying abroad in France.

Commercial Service Chicago hosted two interns during the summer of 2008.

If you would like to contact a former intern and ask about their experience working in our office, please mention in cover letter, we will be happy to provide their contact information.

Aubrey McCullen Intern Pic

Aubrey McCullen

I majored in International Relations and French, with a concentration in economics and African studies. I spent a semester in England studying abroad my Freshman year, during which time I was able to travel throughout Europe, including France, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Spain, and the Netherlands. This experience fostered my interest in international affairs and encouraged me to pursue this field as a major. Working with the U.S. Commercial Service—Chicago has been an incredible experience, and every day I look forward to learning more about international trade and communicating with companies and colleagues around the world. This internship has allowed me to participate in an organization that continuously helps thousands of Americans promote and nurture their businesses domestically and abroad. After graduating I anticipate working with a federal agency with similar objectives. I plan to concurrently attend graduate school and continue my study of and experience in international affairs and global trade.

Miles Muellner Intern Photo

Miles Muellner

I am a senior Business Management major with a Chinese minor. I plan on studying abroad for a semester in Shanghai during the last half of my college career. I am particularly interested in Chinese relations, and try to take advantage of any related opportunities that arise; for example, this past June I attended the Hong Kong- Zhaoqing “Your Winning Formula in China” seminar. After college I plan on starting a career in International Business, hoping to one day start my own company.