BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Malaysia Local time: 07:06 AM

Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE)

Promote Your Company on Our U.S. Commercial Service Website

For a limited time, U.S. Commercial Service Malaysia is offering U.S. exporters listing on our website, which targets an audience of Malaysian importers and commercial buyers.

We will post a description of the product or service for which you are seeking Malaysian representation, distribution or sales prospects, along with an image of your product or logo to our on-line directory of U.S. exporters.

Interested Malaysian importers or buyers will reply to our office and once we have confirmed their interest and contact information, we will forward the trade inquiry to you.

The charge for this service is as follows:

SME New-to-Export
Using service for 1st time

SME Company* Large Company**
          $75        $150          $300

* Small & Medium-sized Company = less than 500 employees or self-certification as small company under SBA guidelines.

** 500 or more employees

Delivery: 5 working days

Qualified U.S. exporters can register by following the link to this form. In addition to choosing Malaysia, you may use the same form to enroll for listings in other markets where the U.S. Commercial Service offers this program as well.

Below is a list of U.S. companies seeking representation in Malaysia.

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