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Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council

ATAC - the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC) was established by Attorney General Ashcroft on September 17, 2001. The ATAC has a three-fold objective:

Prevent, disrupt and defeat terrorist operations before they occur; develop and implement the full range of resources available to investigate terrorist incidents, bringing their perpetrators to justice; vigorously prosecute those who have committed, or intend to commit, terrorist acts in the United States.

The operational arm of the ATTF is the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) established in the Northern District of Alabama on April 15, 2002. The JTTF has the same objective as does the ATTF, with emphasis on operational activities.

A member of the JTTF can be reached 24-hours a day at phone number 205-326-6166.

For links to agencies dealing with terrorism, contact the following web addresses: