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Japanese Hydrogen Fuel Cell Delegaion, June 19, 2008

Japanese Hydrogen Fuel Cell Delegation – June 19, 2008

In support of the Greater Sacramento Region’s political and economic development community’s Clean/Green Tech Initiative to attract and develop this industry sector, Director George Tastard and the staff at Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center welcomed the invitation requested by Edward Yagi, Commercial Consul, Nagoya, Japan,  to create an itinerary for a three-person delegation from Toho Gas and Nagoya University to meet with high level individuals and organizations in the Greater Sacramento Area involved in hydrogen fuel cell technologies, projects, and products.

The Japanese Hydrogen Fuel Cell Delegation from Nagoya visited the Sacramento Area on June 19th, 2008.  The delegation consisted of three individuals: Dr. Noriyuki Kobayashi, Associate Professor at EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Dr. Yoshito Umeda, Senior Manager of the Hydrogen Energy Technology Group at Toho Gas Co., Ltd, and Mr. Yuki Tachi, staff engineer also from Toho Gas Co., Ltd. The purpose of their visit was to gain knowledge and examples of hydrogen refueling stations in preparation of an upcoming five-year Nagoya City Hydrogen Refueling Station Project.

The day started with a visit of the California Fuel Cell Partnership at 8:00 a.m. where the group was received by Mr. Nico Bouwkamp,  a Technical Analyst at the California Fuel Cell Partnership, who was also the guide and representative.  During the visit, the delegates learned of the development of the hydrogen fuel cell industry in the State of California and the current and future plans of distribution of hydrogen refueling stations in the State.  This visit was capped-off with a tour of the hydrogen refueling station and a demonstration of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle’s actual refueling process.

At 9:30 a.m., George Tastard and the delegation visited the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and its Fuel Cell Recharging Station, where the group was welcomed by Ms. Susan Soto, SMUD Government and Community Affair Representative.  Mr. Bill Boyce, Supervisor of Electric Transportation, gave a presentation regarding the involvement of SMUD in the development and implementation of clean tech projects, such as the solar-powered hydrogen refueling station.  After the presentation, the visitors continued on a detailed tour of the Fuel Cell Recharging Station, which was led by Boyce and assisted by Mr. Daniel Gehringe, Electric Transportation and Outreach Manager of SMUD Fuel Cell Refueling Station.  At the station, Mr. Boyce and Mr. Gehringe preformed a mock-demonstration of the refueling process of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle and gave an overview of its operations as a unique refueling station powered by renewable photovoltaic energy.

The third stop was at the Institute of Transportation Technology at the University of California, Davis.  The group was received by Mr. Dan Mayers, STEPS Assistant Manager, and the visit continued with a presentation of research coordinated by Mr. Michael Nicholas, Assistant Program Manager of the Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Demonstration Program.  The presentation by Mr. Nicholas focused on the calculation of the location and optimal number of hydrogen refueling stations.  The visit was followed by a ride in a Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle to the Hydrogen Refueling Station where Mr. Peter Dempster, Program Manager of the Toyota Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Demonstration program, led the tour of its refueling facilities and demonstrated the actual procedure of refueling the FCHV.

The last stop of the day was at the California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative, Stationary Source Division, Air Resources Board, California Environmental Protection Agency, where Mr. Jonathan Foster, Air Resources Engineer, and Mr. David Mehl, Energy Section Manager, gave a presentation regarding the current uses and advantages of stationary fuel cells in California. 

All in all, the day of briefings was a great success.  The Japanese Delegation was surprised and delighted to receive in-depth information in such short visits.  The Sacramento USEAC is also happy to report that we have developed four new relationships in the clean tech sector in the Greater Sacramento Area.
