Education Options for Foreign Service Children (K-12)

The quality of schooling available to one's child is one of the most important factors Foreign Service parents consider when choosing an assignment. When the bid list comes out, it is wise for families to explore the schooling options at all of the posts under consideration, including the Washington, DC area. 

When going overseas for the first time, parents will begin to make some basic decisions: do we want to keep our children consistently in one system or is a bilingual education an important consideration for us? What special needs do our children have? 

For many Foreign Service families, a move to Washington means making difficult choices. Choosing from among the wide array of options of appropriate day care for younger children or schools for the older ones can be a complex and time-consuming chore.

The Family Liaison Office is available to help parents of Foreign Service children make good decisions. Resources are available to guide parents through the challenges of raising and educating children both overseas and at home.  Please view the topics listed to the left (also below) and click on those which are of interest.  For additional help, contact FLO's Education and Youth Officer with your questions.

FLO Weblinks for Education Options for Foreign Service Children (K-12)

Information provided by the Family Liaison Office
Contact the Family Liaison Office