Argonne National Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer U.S. Department of Energy
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Argonne National Laboratory's Work for Others Program

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Work-for-Other agreements (WFOs) are a mechanism through which industry can utilize the unique expertise and facilities at Argonne National Laboratory. In this type of arrangement the industrial sponsor pays 100% of the cost of the work to be performed by Argonne. Under certain conditions, a company may take title to inventions created by Argonne under the SRO. Some key points in such arrangements include product, general and IP indemnification, advance payment requirements and the fact that Argonne may not compete with the private sector for such work. Work to be performed by Argonne via a successfully funded SBIR/STTR proposal is also a SRO; however, in this case, it is federally funded and different terms will apply.


  Argonne National Laboratory Joint Industry Sponsor
1   Identify unique area of mutual interest
Draft the scope of work to be performed by Argonne
Submit the SRO Proposal Package
2 Review SRO Proposal Package
Prepare the appropriate forms for the DOE review/approval process
  Identify In-house Project Support
3   Draft Statement of Work (SOW) with milestones.  
4 Submit SRO information to DOE Operations Office
Send Draft SRO Agreement to Sponsor
  Review Draft SRO Agreement
5   Negotiate SRO Terms  
6 Prepare Final SRO Agreement Review final SRO Agreement  
7 Obtain necessary DOE approvals   Approve SRO Agreement
8   Execute SRO Agreement  

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