BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Jordan Local time: 05:38 PM

Market Research

These FREE researches will provide market information on specific industries that can help determine market potentials, and it will also give information about major tenders from both government and private sectors.

  1. Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority
  2. Energy Sector in Jordan
  3. Switchgear Market
  4. Safety & Security Equipment
  5. Jordan's Borders & Port Security
  6. Jordan's Market Opportunities


DownloadAqaba Special Economic Zone Authority

Microsoft Word, 34KB Download

DownloadEnergy Sector in Jordan

Microsoft Word, 49KB Download

DownloadSwitchgear Market

Microsoft Word, 183KB Download

DownloadSafety and Security Equipment Market

Microsoft Word, 194KB Download

DownloadJordan's Borders and Port Security

Microsoft Word, 212KB Download

DownloadJordan's Market Opportunities

Microsoft Powerpoint, 245KB Download