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Topic: US History Government

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THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet (Library of Congress)
An invaluable source of congressional documents

Congress Link
A full-service site that provides basic information on Congress, teaching resources, resources for lesson plans, primary documents, ideas for activities, experts you can question and links to related sites

A Century of Lawmaking (Library of Congress)
An invaluable site for primary source Congressional documents.

Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention (Library of Congress)
Has many primary sources useful for research projects

NARA Exhibit Hall: The Charters of Freedom
The National Archives offers a copy of the U.S. Constitution and biographies of the document's fifty-five framers. The article "A More Perfect Union" is an in-depth look at the Constitutional Convention and the ratification process. "Questions and Answers Pertaining to the Constitution" presents dozens of fascinating facts about the Constitution.

The Avalon Project: The American Constitution - A Documentary Record
The Yale Law school offers documents on The Roots of the Constitution, Revolution and Independence, Credentials of the Members of the Federal Convention, The Constitutional Convention, and Ratification and Formation of the Government.

U.S. Constitution Resource Center
The TCNbP guide to the US constitution offers three types of resources to aid in your on-line and off-line study of the US Constitution. Constitution Notebook Program (off-line study guide) is available for free download. There are also links to other sites on the web with information related to the Constitution and links to Amazon.com for book listings related to the Constitution.

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
This site by the U.S. Government Printing Office teaches K-12 students how the U.S. government works. There are resources for teachers and parents as well.

The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden
This site explores the history and operation of the American presidency. The exhibit displays more than 375 images of documents, paintings, photographs, buttons, posters, paraphernalia, and objects along with short texts explaining their significance.

The American President: An Online Reference Resource
This website is geared toward teaching the history of the American presidency, primarily to high school students, and contains detailed biographies of each president.

The Constitution Society
The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for reform. It offers a Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics, a Constitutional Weblog, and a Constitutional Examination

Cases and Materials on American Federalism
Cases and Materials on American Federalism is used in American government courses at Purdue University Calumet and contains historical documents [American, British, and English], a timeline, a glossary, edited court cases, review questions, other materials, and links to other free resources.

Bill of Rights in Action
This is the online archive of Bill of Rights in Action, Constitutional Rights Foundation's curricular newsletter. Constitutional Rights Foundation seeks to instill in American youth a deeper understanding of citizenship through values expressed in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and to educate them to become active and responsible participants in American society. Each edition has a lesson (reading, discussion questions, and interactive activity) on U.S. history, world history, and a current issue and lessons are balanced to present various viewpoints. Bill of Rights in Action has been published for more than 30 years and the Constitutional Rights Foundation has archived about 10 years of the newsletter.

FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions
Provides full texts of Supreme Court decisions since 1893

Oyez Supreme Court Multimedia Database (Northwestern)
An excellent database of court decisions from Northwestern university that includes case studies, a search function, profiles of justices and a virtual tour of the Supreme Court building

In Congress Assembled: Continuity & Change in the Governing of the U.S.
This unit includes four lessons using primary sources to examine continuity and change in the governing of the United States. Lessons one and two are focused on a study of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and provide access to primary source documents from the Library of Congress. Lesson three investigates important issues which confronted the first Congress and has students examine current congressional debate over similar issues. Lesson four features broadsides from the Continental Congress calling for special days of thanksgiving and remembrance. The first three lessons are intended for middle and high school students. Lesson four provides a historical context for elementary school lessons that focus on celebrating national holidays.

Almanac of American Politics 2002
* The National Journal Group, Inc., a Washington-based organization, publishes this Web version of their Almanac of American Politics 2002 that contains information on presidential politics, state demographics, key officials, and more. Password required.

Famous Trials
A professor of law at the University of Minnesota-Kansas City Law School has created a website on famous trials that include: the Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692), Amistad Trials (1839-40), Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial (1868), Susan Anthony Trial (1873), Sacco-Vanzetti Trial (1921), Scopes Monkey Trial (1925), Scottsboro Trials (1931-37), Nuremberg Trials (1945-49), Rosenberg Trial (1951), Mississippi Burning Trial (1967), Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial (1969-70) and the My Lai Court Martial (1970). Most of these include background information on the case, biographies and photographs of trial participants, trial transcript excerpt and articles from newspapers that covered the trial.

Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides, Activities, and more

In Congress Assembled: Continuity and Change in the Governing of the United States
This Lesson Plan was created by the LOC to help students understand Congress and the role it plays in our Government. Suitable for all ages.

Columbia Education Center: Role of Government
A mini-lesson designed to introduce High School Students to Government studies.

CEC: Foreign Policy Simulation
In this mini-lesson, students will learn about how the United States conducts foreign policy. Suitable for grades 10-12

CEC: Mock Congress
This mini-lesson lets students experience first hand what it is like to be in Congress. Intended for high school students.

Bill of Rights WebQuest
In this study of the Bill of Rights, students create a television news program about controversial issues today that relate to the Bill of Rights.

Is Everyone Protected By the Bill of Rights?
In this lesson, students explore whether gays should be entitled to serve in the military. To understand this issue, students take a look at the civil rights afforded to every US citizen. We explore how this applied to the civil rights movement, and whether it is also applicable to gays who want to serve in the military. All this is used to gather information for a final debate about the issue using skills and research found in the lesson.

On the Edge and Under the Gun
This middle school lesson will expose students to the issues of gun control, the right to bear arms, and the overwhelming seriousness of gun related violence. After exploring the complexities of this problem, students will then examine what can, and has been done to redress the situation using the Million Mom March as a reference point. Students will be required to synthesize web information on the topic in the form of a research paper.

U.S. Constitution Web Quest
Designed by a Middle School teacher, the mission for this project is to become a member of one of the three branches of government, and to investigate information about that branch of government.

U.S. Constitution Web Quest
"You are a journalist for a school newspaper. In your research you have discovered that many of your peers do not know anything about the US Constitution. Your task is to complete this WebQuest so that you may understand the US Constitution and teach your classmates about its origins, significance, and relevance to our society."

The Constitution Web Quest
"The year is 1787 and you have been elected to represent your state at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. You will be "rubbing shoulders" with the likes of James Madison, Patrick Henry, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton. Depending on your state of origin and your station in life, you may be a supporter (Federalist) or an opponent (Anti-Federalist) of the Constitution."

The Constitutional Convention WebQuest
"Pretend that you and your group are reporters in 1787 that need to let the people know about the Constitution."

CEC: Separation of Powers Between the Three Branches of Government
Recommended for grades 10-12, this little mini-lesson uses a class activity to teach students about checks and balances

The Statue of Liberty
In this six-part PBS lesson plan students study the role the Statue of Liberty has played in US history and in the hearts and minds of Americans and the world. Students try to define liberty and then explore how it can be embodied or personified in a statue. Grades 4 -9.

Digital History: Legal History
Digital History features resource guides by topic and period. Reference resources include classroom handouts, chronologies, encyclopedia articles, glossaries, and an audio-visual archive including speeches, book talks and e-lectures by historians, and historical maps, music, newspaper articles, and images. The site's Ask the HyperHistorian feature allows users to pose questions to professional historians.

Branching Out: Exploring the Reorganization of the American Government Post-September 11
In this New York Times lesson, students learn about the departments within the judicial and executive branches of United States government and create a trivia game to test their knowledge.(June 9, 2002)

Mixed Blessings: Exploring the Separation of Church and State in Patriotic Poetry
In this New York Times lesson, students will learn about the recent federal appeals court decision finding the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. They then further investigate the notions of constitutionality and separation between church and state by researching and analyzing another patriotic American poem or song.(June 28, 2002)

White House Havoc: Exploring How American Presidents Have Dealt with Crises
In this New York Times lesson, students will research past United States presidents' methods of confronting crises. They then write a State of the Union Address for that president in historical context.(February 10, 2003)

U.S. Presidential Elections Quiz

U.S. State Department, Official Web Site

The Federal Judiciary Homepage

The Steps in Selecting A President

Teaching History with Technology
Tom Daccord
July 13-15, in Boston
(sold out 2007, 2008)

Teaching English and Language Arts with Technology
Carla Beard
July 6-8, Boston
(sold out in 2007)

Teaching the "Flat Classroom"
Vicki Davis
June 25-26, Boston

Google Tools for Schools
Carol LaRow
August 3-5, Boston

Creative Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards
Darren Kuropatwa
July 16-17

Free and Open Source Applications for Educators
Alex Inman
June 9-10

21st Century Leadership Symposium
Dennis Richards, Tom Daccord, Justin Reich
August 6-7

Enhanced Podcasting for Educators
Douglas Kiang
July 1-2

Digital Storytelling & Portfolios
Alycia Scott-Hiser
June 23-24

and more...



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