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Physical Environment Prediction

Task Leader: David Schwab


Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model
GLERL has developed an integrated, spatially distributed, physically-based water quality model to evaluate both agricultural non-point source loading from soil erosion, fertilizers, animal manure, and pesticides, and point source loadings at the watershed level.
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NOAA COMPLETES FORECAST SYSTEM FOR GREAT LAKES System Aids Navigation, Boating, Search and Rescue, and Emergency Response
The pioneering research for the Great Lakes forecast system was constructed in collaboration between the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and The Ohio State University.
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+ View Great Lakes Operational Forecast System

International Field Years on Lake Erie (IFYLE)
NOAA GLERL is leading a large scale collaborative research effort on Lake Erie
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bathymetric map of Lake Erie New Bathymetry of the Great Lakes
A decade-long project involving GLERL, the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, and the Canadian Hydrographic Service produced high quality new bathymetric maps and data products for lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie-St. Clair, and Ontario. Information about available bathymetry maps and digital data access is available on the National Geophysical Data Center, Great Lakes Bathymetry project page -
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Current Featured Projects

(Full List of GLERL Physical Environment Prediction Program Projects)

Coupling Quantitative Precipitation Estimate and Great Lakes Hydrologic Models
precipitation over Lake Michigan basinThe National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) are involved in a joint project on Great Lakes Runoff Ecosystem Coupling. (The coupling of High Resolution, Multiple Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimations with Great Lakes Hydrologic Models).
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Great Lakes Hydrometeorological Database
mapping interfaceThis collaborative project was sponsored by the Great Lakes Hydraulics and Hydrology Branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the directory was compiled by NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (NOAA-GLERL). The database was created by and is maintained at the Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN web site). This directory features some 20,000 listings of station characteristics for over 11,000 hydrological and meteorological stations located throughout the Great Lakes region. It is intended as a resource for determining period of record, types of data collected and data availability. The mapping tool provides a geographic orientation and allows the database to be searched both by station characteristics and by location.
+ Read more (GLIN: Great Lakes Hydrometeorological Station Directory web site)

Data products

Real-time Meteorological Observation Network
meteorological stationGLERL established and maintains a network of real-time meteorological stations at exposed coastal sites around southern Lake Michigan (Chicago, Milwaukee, Kenosha, South Haven and Michigan City) for the purposes of analyzing the impact of the meteorological data obtained by this network on nowcasts and forecasts of waves and circulation in the Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System.
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Water Level Plots
water level plotGreat Lakes daily water level plots compared with last years levels; monthly Min, Max, and Mean levels. Great Lakes water levels constitute one of the longest high quality hydrometeorological data sets in North America with reference gage records beginning about 1860 with sporadic records back to the early 1800's. These levels are collected and archived by NOAA's National Ocean Service.
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Great Lakes Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System (AHPS) Products (Experimental)
ahps map (Based on choosing scenarios from 1948-1999) On this page are links to plots for monthly values of inflow, outflow, total supply, mean lake level and other hydrology and meteorology variables for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair. Products include 18-month hindcast simulations and 9-month outlooks. Simply click on a lake in an ImageMap to access the products. These products are updated daily.
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Complete Listing of GLERL Data Products

Selected Software products

Derivative Outlook Weights Software
A special-purpose GUI, for using probabilistic meteorology outlooks to make derivative outlooks. Accompanied by complete updated documentation in a self-installing file.
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Large Basin Runoff Model Software
A fast, accurate model of weekly or monthly runoff volumes (with a daily internal computation interval) with relatively simple data requirements.
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Complete Listing of GLERL Software Products




Physical Environment Prediction - waves against a lighthouse

Program Background

This program supports research on physical processes in large lakes and the coastal ocean and their relationship to the biology, chemistry, and geochemistry of the ecosystem. This research is used to develop models to identify, forecast, and assist in managing and/or mitigating water quality and natural resource problems. Wind, waves, and thermal structure are primary determinants of water movements, mixing, and circulation in large lakes and (along with tides) in coastal ocean areas. Additionally GLERL conducts studies to identify and improve our understanding of the impacts of climate change and variability on socio-economic frameworks and ecosystem structure and function, including those through intermediate effects such as changes in the water supply of the Great Lakes Basin.

More background information

Recent Publications

ASSEL, R. A. Detroit River - Western Lake Erie Basin Indicator Project. Indicator: Lake Erie Ice Cover. U.S. EPA Web Site (2006).

CROLEY, T.E. II and C.F.M. Lewis. Warmer and drier climates that make terminal Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:852-869 (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

CROLEY, T.E. II. Modified Great Lakes hydrology modeling system for considering simple extreme climates. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-137. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 27 pp. (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

CROLEY, T. E., II. Using climate predictions in Great Lakes hydrologic forecasts. In Climate Variations, Climate Change, and Water Resources Engineering. Garbrecht, J., and T. Piechota (Eds.). American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, VA, 164-187 (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

LIEBIG, J.R., H.A. VANDERPLOEG, and S.A. RUBERG. Factors affecting the performance of the optical plankton counter in large lakes: Insights from Lake Michigan and laboratory studies. Journal of Geophysical Research 111:C05S02, 10 pp. (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

LIU, P.C., and K.R. MacHutchon. Are there different kinds of rogue waves? Proceedings, 25th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Hamburg, Germany, June 4-9, 2006. ASME, 6 pp. (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

LOFGREN, B.M. Land surface roughness effects on lake effect precipitation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 32:839-851 (2006).
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Plattner, S., D.M. MASON, G.A. LESHKEVICH, D.J. SCHWAB, and E.S. Rutherford. Classifying and forecasting coastal upwellings in Lake Michigan using satellite derived temperature images and buoy data. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:63-76 (2006).
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Rao, Y.R., and N. HAWLEY. Inter-basin exchange flows in Lake Erie. Proceedings, Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, December11-14, 2006, pp. 245-250 (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

SCHWAB, D.J., B.J. EADIE, R.A. ASSEL, and P.J. Roebber. Climatology of large sediment resuspension events in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:50-62 (2006).
+ download article [pdf]

Selected Brochures

NOAA CoastWatch Program in the Great Lakes [pdf]

Great Lakes Ice Cover - Winter 2003 compared with GLERL's 30-Winter Ice Cover Climatology [pdf] [html]

Meteorological Stations and Web Cams [pdf]

Real-Time Environmental Coastal Observation Network (RECON) [pdf]

Water Levels in the Great Lakes [pdf]

All GLERL Brochures