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The Maxine Singer Papers

Risk, Regulation, and Scientific Citizenship: The Controversy over Recombinant DNA Research: Documents

[Protestors and their banner at the March 1977 National Academy of Sciences Forum on Recombinant DNA]. [7-9 March 1977].
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Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, David Baltimore, Herbert W. Boyer, Stanley N. Cohen, Ronald W. Davis, David S. Hogness, Daniel Nathans, Richard O. Roblin, James D. Watson, Sherman Weissman, Norton D. Zinder, and National Academy of Sciences. "Potential Biohazards of Recombinant DNA Molecules" [Letter to the Editor of Science]. Science 185, 4148 (26 July 1974): 303. Article. 1 Image. pdf (138,356 Bytes) ocr (6,880 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee]. "Appendix C: Program of the International Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Program. 4 Images. [23 February 1975]. pdf (200,924 Bytes) ocr (5,604 Bytes)
Metadata Record Clowes, Royston C., Stanley N. Cohen, Roy Curtiss III, Stanley Falkow, Richard Novick, and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Potential Biohazards Working Group]. "Appendix D: Proposed Guidelines on Potential Biohazards Associated with Experiments Involving Genetically Altered Microorganisms." Excerpt. Report. 37 Images. 24 February 1975. pdf (2,996,144 Bytes) ocr (81,134 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Bishop, J. Michael], D. Jackson, [Daniel Nathans], [Bernard Roizman], J. Sambrook, [Aaron J. Shatkin], D. Walker, and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Animal Virus Working Group]. "Appendix E: Preparation and Use of Recombinant Molecules Involving Animal Virus Genomes." Report. 1 Image. [25 February 1975]. pdf (99,246 Bytes) ocr (3,032 Bytes)
Metadata Record Brenner, Sydney, Donald D. Brown, Robert H. Burris, Dana Carroll, Ronald W. Davis, David S. Hogness, Kenneth Murray, Raymond C. Valentine, and Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Eukaryotic Working Group. "Appendix F: Cloned Eukaryotic DNA." Report. 8 Images. [25 February 1975]. pdf (411,812 Bytes) ocr (12,872 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Singer, Maxine], and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee]. "Appendix H: Provisional Statement of the Conference Proceedings." Draft. Proceedings. Report. 5 Images. [27 February 1975]. pdf (475,109 Bytes) ocr (15,475 Bytes)
Metadata Record Beckwith, Jon, Luigi Gorini, Kostia Bergmann, Kaaren Janssen, Jonathan King, Annamaria Torriani, Fred Ausubel, Paolo Strigini, and Genetic Engineering Group of Science for the People. "Open Letter to the Asilomar Conference on Hazards of Recombinant DNA." Letter (correspondence). Resolution. 3 Images. [February 1975]. pdf (188,135 Bytes) ocr (6,554 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul. Memorandum from Paul Berg to the Organizing Committee for the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Memorandum. 1 Image. 9 April 1975. pdf (58,058 Bytes) ocr (1,317 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee]. "Appendix I: Summary Statement of the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Draft. Excerpt. Report. 14 Images. [15 April 1975]. pdf (698,012 Bytes) ocr (20,336 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Memorandum from Maxine Singer to Paul Berg, David Baltimore, Sydney Brenner, and Richard O. Roblin on the latest draft of the Asilomar Reports. Memorandum. 2 Images. 17 April 1975. pdf (126,237 Bytes) ocr (3,714 Bytes)
Metadata Record Jackson, D., [Daniel Nathans], [Bernard Roizman], J. Sambrook, [Aaron J. Shatkin], D. Walker, J. Michael Bishop, and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Animal Virus Working Group]. "Appendix E: Preparation and Use of Recombinant Molecules Involving Animal Virus Genomes." Excerpt. Report. 3 Images. [29 April 1975]. pdf (230,259 Bytes) ocr (7,255 Bytes)
Metadata Record Brenner, Sydney, Donald D. Brown, Robert H. Burris, Dana Carroll, Ronald W. Davis, David S. Hogness, Kenneth Murray, Raymond C. Valentine, and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Eukaryotic Working Group]. "Appendix F: Cloned Eukaryotic DNA." Excerpt. Report. 9 Images. [29 April 1975]. pdf (556,343 Bytes) ocr (16,479 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Berg, Paul], [David Baltimore], [Richard O. Roblin], [Maxine Singer], and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee]. "Appendix I: Summary Statement of the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Draft. Excerpt. Report. 11 Images. [29 April 1975]. pdf (741,733 Bytes) ocr (21,539 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Berg, Paul], [David Baltimore], [Richard O. Roblin], [Maxine Singer], and [Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee]. "Appendix J: A Plausible Model for Monitoring Compliance with Containment Guidelines." Excerpt. Report. 2 Images. [29 April 1975]. pdf (97,131 Bytes) ocr (2,834 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Berg, Paul], [David Baltimore], [Richard O. Roblin], [Maxine Singer], Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee, and [Sydney Brenner]. "Report of the Organizing Committee for the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Report. 4 Images. [29 April 1975]. pdf (278,099 Bytes) ocr (7,929 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Willard Gaylin. Letter (correspondence). 5 Images. 30 April 1975. pdf (468,343 Bytes) ocr (15,098 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, David Baltimore, Richard O. Roblin, Maxine Singer, Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. Organizing Committee, and Sydney Brenner. "Appendix I: Summary Statement of the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Draft. Excerpt. Report. 14 Images. [Spring 1975]. pdf (648,854 Bytes) ocr (23,466 Bytes)
Metadata Record Baltimore, David, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Letter from David Baltimore to Fred C. Ikle. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 22 May 1975. pdf (94,685 Bytes) ocr (2,790 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, David Baltimore, Sydney Brenner, Richard O. Roblin, and Maxine Singer. "Summary Statement of the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 72, 6 (June 1975): 1981-1984. Article. 4 Images. pdf (455,529 Bytes) ocr (23,619 Bytes)
Metadata Record Silverstone, Allen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Cancer Research, and Genetics and Society Group of Science for the People. Memorandum from Allen Silverstone to the Advisory Committee on the Guidelines for Recombinant DNA. Memorandum. 1 Image. [1975]. pdf (92,938 Bytes) ocr (2,819 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Francesco Blasi. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 3 March 1976. pdf (79,984 Bytes) ocr (2,286 Bytes)
Metadata Record Sullivan, James L., and City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Letter from James L. Sullivan, City Manager, City of Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Mayor and City Council. Letter (correspondence). 4 Images. 6 August 1976. pdf (247,001 Bytes) ocr (7,984 Bytes)
Metadata Record Rowe, Wallace P., and National Institutes of Health. Letter from Wallace P. Rowe to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 11 August 1976. pdf (117,850 Bytes) ocr (3,305 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S., and National Institutes of Health. Letter from Donald S. Fredrickson to Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Letter (correspondence). 3 Images. 23 August 1976. pdf (184,801 Bytes) ocr (5,430 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Wallace P. Rowe. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 24 August 1976. pdf (103,625 Bytes) ocr (2,951 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Joshi, Joan H.], and Institute of International Education. "Proposal for an International Conference on the Social and Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering." Proposal. 5 Images. 16 November 1976. pdf (320,360 Bytes) ocr (9,924 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Joan H. Joshi. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 1 December 1976. pdf (107,324 Bytes) ocr (3,226 Bytes)
Metadata Record Sinsheimer, Robert L., and California Institute of Technology. "A Statement." Resolution. 2 Images. 20 December 1976. pdf (128,772 Bytes) ocr (3,622 Bytes)
Metadata Record Sgaramella, Vittorio, and World Health Organization. Letter from Vittorio Sgaramella to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 27 December 1976. pdf (140,202 Bytes) ocr (4,533 Bytes)
Metadata Record Warren, Charles, Barry Keene, and California. State Assembly. Letter from Charles Warren and Barry Keene to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 29 December 1976. pdf (104,030 Bytes) ocr (1,824 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, and Stanford University Medical Center. Letter from Paul Berg to Robert L. Sinsheimer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 30 December 1976. pdf (107,174 Bytes) ocr (3,327 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Robert L. Sinsheimer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 7 January 1977. pdf (138,727 Bytes) ocr (4,194 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Charles Warren. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 7 January 1977. pdf (45,837 Bytes) ocr (846 Bytes)
Metadata Record Hogness, David S., and Stanford University Medical Center. Letter from David S. Hogness to DeWitt Stetten, Jr. Letter (correspondence). 5 Images. 26 January 1977. pdf (343,520 Bytes) ocr (12,642 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to U.S. Representative Richard Ottinger. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 26 January 1977. pdf (117,871 Bytes) ocr (2,603 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. [Testimony of Maxine Singer before the California State Legislature]. Testimony. 16 Images. 28 January 1977. pdf (726,816 Bytes) ocr (28,933 Bytes)
Metadata Record Sullivan, James L., and City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Ordinance for the Use of Recombinant Molecule Technology in the City of Cambridge." Legislative Act. 4 Images. 7 February 1977. pdf (221,960 Bytes) ocr (7,666 Bytes)
Metadata Record Gordon, Milton P., and University of Washington. Letter from Milton P. Gordon to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 10 March 1977. pdf (50,768 Bytes) ocr (1,493 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Milton P. Gordon. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 22 March 1977. pdf (86,725 Bytes) ocr (2,314 Bytes)
Metadata Record Adler, Michael, and National Institutes of Health. Memorandum from Michael Adler [summarizing the first day of hearings of the Thornton House Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Technology]. Memorandum. 2 Images. 30 March 1977. pdf (151,734 Bytes) ocr (4,585 Bytes)
Metadata Record Rogers, Paul G., and United States House of Representatives. Letter from U.S. Representative Paul G. Rogers to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 30 March 1977. pdf (57,658 Bytes) ocr (1,729 Bytes)
Metadata Record Baltimore, David. [Testimony by David Baltimore for the Committee on Science and Technology]. Testimony. 9 Images. 30 March 1977. pdf (462,312 Bytes) ocr (15,754 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to U.S. Senator John H. Chafee. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 31 March 1977. pdf (71,244 Bytes) ocr (1,302 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. "A Summary of the National Institutes of Health (USA) Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research." Gene 1, 2 ([March 1977]): 123-139. Article. 17 Images. pdf (1,257,467 Bytes) ocr (45,727 Bytes)
Metadata Record Curtiss, Roy III, and [University of Alabama in Birmingham]. Letter from Roy Curtiss III to Donald S. Fredrickson. Letter (correspondence). 14 Images. 12 April 1977. pdf (1,326,743 Bytes) ocr (49,262 Bytes)
Metadata Record Curtiss, Roy III, and University of Alabama in Birmingham. Letter from Roy Curtiss III to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 20 May 1977. pdf (107,590 Bytes) ocr (3,212 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Roy Curtiss III. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 3 June 1977. pdf (69,104 Bytes) ocr (1,752 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Lorill Brown-Rezanka. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 6 June 1977. pdf (88,410 Bytes) ocr (2,468 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. Letter from Joshua Lederberg to U.S. Senators Alan Cranston and Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. [ca. 9 June 1977]. pdf (205,984 Bytes) ocr (7,599 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to C. G. Bernhard. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 5 July 1977. pdf (68,943 Bytes) ocr (1,721 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Donald S. Fredrickson. Letter (correspondence). 3 Images. 5 October 1977. pdf (201,194 Bytes) ocr (5,933 Bytes)
Metadata Record City of Berkeley, California. "Ordinance No. 5010: Regulating the Use of Hazardous Biological Research in the City of Berkeley." Legislative Act. 6 Images. 21 October 1977. pdf (297,511 Bytes) ocr (10,686 Bytes)
Metadata Record [City of Berkeley, California]. [Cover memorandum about a Berkeley, California biohazards ordinance]. Memorandum. 1 Image. [1977]. pdf (34,279 Bytes) ocr (971 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Memorandum from Maxine Singer to Donald S. Fredrickson. Memorandum. 3 Images. 16 January 1978. pdf (240,507 Bytes) ocr (7,679 Bytes)
Metadata Record [National Institutes of Health]. [Minutes of the Eleventh Meeting of the Executive Recombinant DNA Committee]. Minutes. 5 Images. 25 May 1978. pdf (355,709 Bytes) ocr (12,128 Bytes)
Metadata Record Curtiss, Roy III, and University of Alabama in Birmingham. Letter from Roy Curtiss III to Donald S. Fredrickson. Letter (correspondence). 11 Images. 23 September 1978. pdf (1,071,860 Bytes) ocr (37,725 Bytes)
Metadata Record Cohen, Stanley N., and Stanford University Medical Center. Letter from Stanley N. Cohen to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 3 Images. 25 September 1978. pdf (200,871 Bytes) ocr (5,726 Bytes)
Metadata Record Kemp, Carolyn E. Letter from Carolyn E. Kemp to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 31 October 1978. pdf (107,136 Bytes) ocr (3,838 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Carolyn E. Kemp. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 27 November 1978. pdf (110,792 Bytes) ocr (3,321 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Kathleen K. Schmitz and Karl F. Johnson. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 27 November 1978. pdf (71,443 Bytes) ocr (2,069 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, and Stanford University Medical Center. Letter from Paul Berg to U.S. Senator Harrison Schmitt. Letter (correspondence). 3 Images. 5 January 1979. pdf (245,023 Bytes) ocr (7,284 Bytes)
Metadata Record Yanow, Dvora. "Interview with Dr. Maxine F. Singer" [on recombinant DNA research and NIH]. Interview. Transcript. 12 Images. 28 June 1979. pdf (880,857 Bytes) ocr (35,944 Bytes)
Metadata Record Ganning, London. Letter from London Ganning to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 24 July 1979. pdf (92,508 Bytes) ocr (2,811 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to London Ganning. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 13 August 1979. pdf (185,765 Bytes) ocr (5,649 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Raiffa, Howard], and National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. "Committee on Risk and Decision Making." Plans. 3 Images. [17 April 1980]. pdf (166,108 Bytes) ocr (4,926 Bytes)
Metadata Record Raiffa, Howard, and National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Letter from Howard Raiffa to Maxine Singer. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 17 April 1980. pdf (94,984 Bytes) ocr (2,588 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Howard Raiffa. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 8 May 1980. pdf (149,462 Bytes) ocr (4,065 Bytes)
Metadata Record Berg, Paul, and Stanford University Medical Center. Letter from Paul Berg to Hans L. Kornberg. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 12 July 1982. pdf (138,517 Bytes) ocr (5,117 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to Hans L. Kornberg. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 12 August 1982. pdf (113,315 Bytes) ocr (3,286 Bytes)
Metadata Record Singer, Maxine. Letter from Maxine Singer to William J. Gartland. Letter (correspondence). 2 Images. 4 October 1984. pdf (122,580 Bytes) ocr (2,295 Bytes)

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