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Economic Stimulus and Recovery: "The Oregon Way"
Governor Kulongoski with construction workers
Oregon is focused on accelerating our state's economic recovery by creating jobs and economic stability for communities throughout the state during this volatile time.

Governor Ted Kulongoski's approach is comprehensive, leveraging state and federal dollars and private investment to maximize efforts that deliver short-term stimulus and long-term economic prosperity.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) empowers Oregon to invest in its economy by pursuing smart, sustainable, and transformational efforts -- doing this "The Oregon Way."

Oregon's strategy is to build on our track record of innovation. The ARRA provides Oregon an opportunity to transform the way the state approaches economic development and demonstrate to the world that through pioneering, green, and creative investments, we can deliver jobs immediately and for the long-term while also reducing energy costs and our carbon footprint -- wins for our economy and environment.
The Oregon Way Advisory Group
Federal Economic Recovery Dollars
The Oregon Way logo
Thanks to the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Federal government has set aside approximately $37 billion in competitive grant dollars to help states recover from the recession. Governor Kulongoski created The Oregon Way Advisory Group to enable the state to compete more effectively for this money. The Advisory Group will also ensure that the money creates immediate and long-term job opportunties for Oregonians.

The Advisory Group will advise and assist state agencies seeking federal competitive grants by developing proposals that include innovative elements toward sustainability, renewable energy, carbon reduction, energy efficiency and green development.

The group will also work to identify signature projects across the state that will showcase Oregon's green expertise to the nation, helping create long-term jobs as others look to Oregon to tap this knowledge base.
U.S. flag and money
Oregon is excited and prepared for the infusion of federal dollars to our state through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed by the federal government earlier this year. We will continue to share news regularly with the public about the opportunities within the federal stimulus package and how Oregonians across the state will benefit.
Go Oregon!
State Economic Recovery Dollars
Go Oregon! logo
Governor Kulongoski has signed "Go Oregon!" into law, authorizing the sale of bonds to fund important maintenance and construction projects at public facilities througout Oregon.

Go Oregon! will quickly make $175 million available to pay for deferred maintenance of buildings and other facilities owned by state government, local communities, universities and community colleges. It will create badly needed jobs, sustain existing jobs, and inject money into Oregon's communities. By helping to "prime the pump" of the state economy, Go Oregon! will benefit everyone -- businesses and working Oregonians alike.

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