U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Arne Duncan Visits ED Tutoring Effort (March 18, 2009)
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Secretary Arne Duncan visits the Department's on-site tutoring activity. Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour.

Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour. Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour.
Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour. Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour.
Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour. Through Horton's Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves more than 200 children living in Anacostia, Department employees, shown here with the Secretary, tutor students from some of of D.C.'s neediest schools every week for an hour.

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Last Modified: 03/23/2009