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Briefing Rooms

Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology: Sustainability and Production Systems


The phrase "sustainable development" was popularized during the 1980's by the United Nations' World Commission on Environment and Development, which defined it as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”


Agriculture's Role in Sustainable Development

Sustainability recognizes that economic well-being transcends the traditional view of economic goods and services (like food and clothing) to include goods and services not necessarily purchased in markets, such as recreation, safe drinking water, and scenery. Sustainability requires investing in an appropriate mix of human made capital (e.g., buildings and machinery) and natural capital (e.g. farmland, aquifers, lakes, rivers, estuaries, and wetlands) to maximize current and future economic well-being.

Agriculture has a unique role in sustainability. It produces food and relies on natural capital for production. Agriculture also accounts for a majority of land and water use and is a major contributor to impairment of rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Because both food and natural capital are necessary for future generations, a more sustainable path of economic development requires effective stewardship in agricultural production. This view is consistent with the USDA Secretary's Memorandum on Sustainable Development:

“USDA will balance goals of improved production and profitability, stewardship of the natural resource base and ecological system, and enhancement of the vitality of rural communities.”

Additional information is available on agriculture's role in sustainability from the Sustainable Agriculture Network and from the CSREES.

Indicators of Agricultural Sustainability and the Contribution of Technology to Agricultural Sustainability

Indicators of agricultural sustainability pertain both to the ability to provide food to current and future generations at reasonable costs (agricultural productivity, soil erosion, and groundwater quantity) and to environmental impacts associated with agricultural production (surface-water quality, groundwater quality, and wetland conversion rates).

Figure 1. Income Spent on Food and Agricultural Productivity

Agricultural productivity measures the difference between output growth and input growth rates. If productivity growth is positive, then the same output can be produced with fewer inputs and lower costs. Over 1948-94, output in U.S. agriculture grew at an annual average rate of 1.9 percent, compared with 1.1 percent for the nonfarm sector. Greater agricultural productivity growth, higher yields, and lower farm prices have benefited consumers by supplying food at a reasonable cost. By 1996, the share of disposable personal income spent on food had fallen to 11 percent, compared with 22 percent in 1948.

Figure 2. Cropland for Soil Erosion Declining

Soil erosion has declined by an estimated 40 percent since 1938, while cropland use has remained remarkably stable at about 400 million acres. Most of the erosion decline has occurred since 1982, when total erosion from cropland was estimated at 3.1 billion tons per year, or 7.4 tons per acre per year. By 1992, total erosion from cropland declined to 2.1 billion tons, or 5.6 tons per acre. The post-1982 decline results from government programs aimed at mitigating the environmental impacts of agricultural production, such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Conservation Compliance provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985.

Figure 3. Change in Ground Water Level in the High Plains

Groundwater quantity. While long-term trend data for most of the Nation's groundwater stocks do not exist, measurements of change in the water level of the High Plains Aquifer indicates the effect of irrigation on groundwater level. This aquifer provides approximately one-third of the ground-water withdrawn for agricultural irrigation in the U.S., and supports agricultural activity in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

Between 1940 and 1980, the region's average groundwater level dropped a total of about 10 feet. Five of these States experienced declines in their groundwater stocks, while three experienced no change in their stocks over this period. From 1980 to 1995, the average groundwater level for the High Plains dropped 0.16 feet annually or about 2.4 feet in total. An increase in groundwater stocks was reported in one State and smaller declines reported in three States.

Figure 4. Major Sources of Pollution

Surface-water quality has generally improved since 1974, when monitoring began. In a 1974 survey, the EPA found that only about 40 percent of the largest rivers in the United States were safe enough for fishing and swimming. In 1994, 60 percent of the Nation's survey rivers, lakes, and estuaries were safe enough for fishing and swimming. Still, agriculture has been identified by the EPA as an important contributor to surface-water impairment.

Figure 5. Pollutants

According to the National Water Quality Inventory, agriculture is the leading source of impairment in rivers (contributing to impairment of 25 percent of the surveyed river miles), lakes (19 percent of lake acres, not including the Great Lakes), and the fifth leading source of impairment to estuaries (10 percent of surveyed estuary acres). Primary agricultural pollutants are sediment and siltation, nutrients, pesticides, salinity, and pathogens. For example, sediment and siltation affect 18 percent of surveyed river miles and 10 percent of lake acres. Nutrients affect 14, 20, and 22 percent of surveyed river miles, lake acres, and estuaries.

Figure 6. Pesticide Use, Chronic and Acute Toxicity

Groundwater quality. The Nation's environmental monitoring infrastructure cannot accurately depict trends in U.S. groundwater quality. Recent chemical use trends suggest that long-term improvements in groundwater quality may occur. After pesticide use more than doubled between 1964 and 1982, it declined slightly due to a decline in cropland acreage and the introduction of new pesticide products that reduced pesticide application rates. The picture with regard to potential chemical toxicity is more complex. An index based on toxicity due to long-term exposure to small doses shows an 89-percent decline since 1964. An index based on acute exposure increased by about 10 percent, and pounds of active ingredients more than doubled.

Figure 7. Wetland Conversions per Year, 1982-92

Wetlands. The contiguous 48 States have lost about half of all wetlands since 1780. In 1780, wetlands totaled slightly over 220 million acres, compared with about 124 million acres in 1992. Most of the original and remaining wetlands are in the Southeast, Delta, and Lake States. The Corn Belt has lost nearly 90 percent of its original wetlands, the Pacific States 75 percent, and the Plains States 50 percent.

Between 1954 and 1992, 64 percent of all converted wetland acreage supported agriculture. Available data suggest that the rates of wetland loss in the 1980's were dramatically lower than in earlier decades. For example, in 1954-74 and 1974-83, the net rate of wetland losses in the 48 States was 458,000 and 290,000 acres per year. From 1982 to 1992, the rate slowed to about 80,000 acres per year; almost 11,000 acres per year moved out of agricultural production and into wetlands.

Technology plays an important role in agricultural sustainability. “Green technologies” (such as conservation tillage, integrated pest management, enhanced nutrient management, organic farming, and precision agriculture) are those that can improve the environmental performance of agriculture without reducing farm production or profits. However, simply making a technology available does not guarantee its adoption. Until markets are developed for the environmental attributes associated with green technologies (such as less erosion, improved water quality, and better wildlife habitat), private markets will underutilize these technologies.

In general, research and development and the adoption and diffusion of new technologies will be directed to conserve those resources that are most scarce or highest priced—the so-called induced innovation hypothesis. Because the market prices of many environmental services and natural resources are less than their true value to society, there is less of an economic incentive to develop or adopt technologies that conserve those resources.

In addition to the lack of markets, experience with green technologies demonstrate that in addition to profitability, three factors affect adoption:

  • Structural barriers, including capital and labor availability, may deter adoption.
  • A diverse natural resource base, including varied soil, water, and climatic resources, make it worthwhile to adopt these technologies only in some instances.
  • The economic risk of adopting new technologies may inhibit adoption.

Because the economic and environmental implications of green technologies vary by crop and region, no one technology will be sustainable for every farmer in every part of the country. Similarly, because barriers to adoption differ across the country, there is a premium on knowledge about regional adoption and diffusion constraints and an advantage to a decentralized approach to research and development and technology transfer.

The Major Distinctions between Organic Farming Systems and Conventional Farming Systems.

Organic farming systems differ fundamentally from conventional ones in their primary focus on management practices that promote and enhance ecological harmony. For example, organic farmers use cultural and biological production practices much more extensively than other farmers, according to USDA survey results. The use of synthetic chemicals is virtually excluded in crop production; antibiotic and hormone use is prohibited in livestock production.

Under organic farming systems, the fundamental components and natural processes of ecosystems, such as soil organism activities, nutrient cycling, and species distribution and competition, are incorporated as farm management tools. For example, habitat needs for food and shelter are provided for predators and parasites of crop pests, planting and harvesting dates are carefully planned and crops are rotated, and animal and green manures are cycled in organic crop production systems.

Organic livestock production systems attempt to accommodate an animals natural nutritional and behavioral requirements. Livestock standards address the origin of each animal and incorporate requirements for living conditions, access to the outdoors, feed ration, and health care practices suitable to the needs of particular species. Dairy cows and other ruminants, for example, must be allowed access to pasture.

Congress passed the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 in order to establish national standards for organically produced commodities. This legislation requires that all except the smallest organic growers have to be certified by a State or private agency accredited under national standards. USDA implemented this legislation on October 21, 2002. The proposal addresses the methods, practices, and substances used in producing and handling organic crops, livestock, and processed foods, and may be viewed at USDA's National Organic Program website. Over 50 state and private groups have been accredited by USDA to provide organic certifications to growers and handlers.

Universities and other institutions in the United States are examining the long-term economics of organic farming systems through replicated field trial research. While many of these projects are in their initial stages, several have been running for a decade or more. Preliminary results from some of these studies indicate that organic price premiums are key in making organic systems more profitable than conventional systems. Other studies are finding that similar or enhanced yields under organic systems, combined with sharply lower input costs, make these systems more profitable even without price premiums. Examples of these long-term farming systems trials include:

  • Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project, at the University of California, Davis, examined processing tomato, safflower, bean, and corn production under conventional, low-input, and organic systems for over sixteen years on a 28-acre site in the Sacramento Valley, and is now examining conservation tillage in alternate systems.
  • Elwell Agroecology Farm, in conjunction with the University of Minnesota's Lamberton Experiment Station, began adding long-term, organic cropping systems trials in 1989.
  • The Living Field Laboratory, a project of the C.S. Mott Chair of Sustainable Agriculture, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, and others, was established in 1993 and is examining corn, soybean, and wheat production under organic, conventional, and other management systems.
  • USDA's Agricultural Research Service has also begun investigating organic farming systems through long-term farming systems trials and onfarm, participatory research. Long-term trials are being conducted at USDA's Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.

Trends in U.S. Acreage Operated under Certified Organic Farming Systems

Organic farming has been one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture for nearly a decade. Certified organic cropland for corn, soybeans, and other major crops more than doubled from 1992 to 1997, and doubled again between 1997 and 2001. Two organic livestock sectors—poultry and dairy—grew even faster. ERS collected data from State and private certification groups to calculate the extent of certified organic farmland acreage and livestock in the United States.

Farmers in 48 States dedicated 2.3 million acres of cropland and pasture to organic production systems in 2001. Over 1.3 million acres were used for growing crops. California, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Montana, and Colorado had the most organic cropland. Colorado, Texas and Montana had the largest amount of organic pasture and rangeland. USDA lifted restrictions on organic meat labeling in the late 1990s, and by 2001, most of the States were raising certified organic livestock.

U.S. certified organic farmland acreage and operations

While adoption of organic farming systems showed strong gains between 1992 and 2001 and the adoption rate remains high, the overall adoption level is still low—only about 0.3 percent of all U.S. cropland and 0.2 percent of all U.S. pasture was certified organic in 2001. Obstacles to adoption by farmers include high managerial costs and risks of shifting to a new way of farming, limited awareness of organic farming systems, lack of marketing and infrastructure, and inability to capture marketing economies. Still, many U.S. producers are embracing organic farming in order to lower input costs, conserve nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets, and boost farm income, especially as prices fall for staple commodities.


For more information, contact: Catherine Greene

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Updated date: June 30, 2005