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Briefing Rooms

Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology: Soil Management


Soil is the primary medium for crop growth, where water, nutrients, soil microbes, and other factors interact. It supports the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes that must take place in order for plants to grow. It regulates water flow between infiltration, root-zone storage, deep percolation, and runoff. And it acts as a buffer between production inputs and the environment. How well these functions are performed depends on soil quality.


Importance of Soil Management

Soil management is one of the most important components in a crop production system because it has a major impact on:

  • Current and future yield levels
  • Food quality and safety
  • Environmental pollution
  • Global climate change.

Soil is the primary medium for crop growth, where water, nutrients, soil microbes, and other factors interact. It supports the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes that must take place in order for plants to grow. It regulates water flow between infiltration, root-zone storage, deep percolation, and runoff. And it acts as a buffer between production inputs and the environment. How well these functions are performed depends on soil quality.

A high-quality soil exhibits parameter values (related to soil texture, bulk density, rooting depth, permeability and water storage capacity, carbon content, organic matter and biological activity, pH level, and electrical conductivity) that promote the growth of crops. Soil can also function as a “degrader” or “immobilizer” of agricultural chemicals, wastes, or other potential pollutants, and act as a carbon sink.

Beneficial soil management practices maintain the quality and long-term productivity of the soil and reduce potential environmental damages from crop production. These practices include:

  • Efficient use of nutrients, pesticides, and irrigation water
  • Soil- and water-conserving cover crops, crop rotations, cropping systems, and crop residue management strategies
  • Field/landscape-scale engineering structures and buffer zones (e.g., grass waterways, terraces, contour farming, strip cropping, underground drainage outlets, and surface diversion and drainage channels).

The extent to which these practices are carried out depends on site-specific technical and economic feasibility considerations, as well as farmer attitudes, perceptions, and resources. Most farmers recognize the importance of good soil management to their income and long-term economic viability, and to environmental quality. To this end, farmers commonly use crop rotation, crop residue management, and soil conservation structures.

  • Many farmers are rotating the crops they grow from year to year and the mix of crops in a field to improve soil fertility; control insects, diseases, and weeds; reduce soil erosion; and reduce water pollution often associated with runoff and leaching. Crop rotation also reduces the use of chemical inputs in the production process over a period of years. In 1997, the majority of acreage in corn, soybeans, and wheat were in a rotation system, with corn and soybeans in a 3-year rotation.
  • Crop residue management can reduce soil losses from wind and water erosion. Through the use of cover crops and special tillage and cultivation operations, postharvest residue is left on field surfaces, minimizing soil disturbance and exposure to the elements.
  • Soil and water conservation structures may be used in conjunction with other practices to control runoff water after heavy rains. These structures allow for surface water to be captured on site or slowed and diverted from the field via erosion-resistant waterways, channels, or outlets.

Effect of Crop Residue Management on Soil and Water Resources

Crop residue management (CRM) calls for fewer and/or less intensive tillage operations and preserves more residue from the previous crop. CRM can protect soil and water resources by reducing soil erosion and interrupting movement of nutrients and pesticides off the field. CRM is generally cost-effective in meeting conservation requirements and can lead to higher farm economic returns by reducing fuel, machinery, and labor costs while maintaining or increasing crop yields.

Crop residue management systems include reduced tillage or conservation tillage practices such as no-till, ridge-till, and mulch-till, as well as the use of cover crops and other conservation practices that provides sufficient residue cover to mitigate wind and water erosion. Conservation tillage was used on over 109 million acres in 1998, or over 37 percent of the U.S. planted cropland area.

For more information, refer to the soil management chapter in Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators.

Extent of U.S. Cropland Acreage under Crop Residue Management

Soil conserving crop residue management systems such as conservation tillage, crop rotations, and cover crops are increasingly being used on all field crops across the United States. The use of conservation tillage and reduced tillage systems on all cropland acreage has increased from around 50 percent in 1989 to almost 65 percent in 1998. Since the early 1990's, 50 percent of soybean acreage has been devoted to conservation tillage, along with 40 percent of corn, 35 percent of sorghum, 30 percent of small grains, and 10 percent of cotton.

Since 1991, 75, 95, and 70 percent of corn-, soybean-, and wheat-planted acreage has been in some form of crop rotation system. And as a result of farmer willingness to participate in USDA conservation programs, grassed waterways, terraces, drainage systems, and other structural measures are found in most regions. Recent data for 16 corn producing States show that at least one of these types of measures is found on 75.3 million acres.

Adoption of conservation tillage and a corresponding decline in clean tillage has been stimulated by the prospects of higher economic returns with conservation tillage and by public policies and programs promoting conservation tillage for its conservation benefits. The major limitations to adoption of soil-conserving tillage systems for some farmers include additional management skill requirements, expectations of lower crop yields and/or economic returns in specific geographic areas or situations, negative attitudes or perceptions, and institutional constraints.

For more information, refer to Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators.

Impact of Conservation Tillage on Pesticide Use

Tillage, whether conventional, reduced-till, or conservation-till, is integral to crop production. The choice of tillage type may affect other production processes as well. For example, conservation tillage does away with some, or all, mechanical weed control and emphasizes chemicals for weed control. Recent comparisons by ERS of conventional tillage practices to conservation tillage in corn, soybeans, and winter wheat found that conservation tillage tends to require more herbicides but less insecticides for each crop.

Another investigation of conventional versus conservation tillage in nonirrigated corn production found a statistically significant difference in per-acre herbicide application rates only with no-till and ridge-till systems. Five tillage practices were compared: conventional with moldboard plow, conventional without moldboard plow, and conservation mulch-till, no-till, and ridge-till. Findings include:

  • As tillage changed from conventional systems to conservation no-till, herbicide use per acre tended to increase.
  • With ridge-till systems, herbicide rates decreased.
  • Conventional tillage with moldboard plow used less herbicide than no-till, about the same as mulch-till, but more than ridge-till.
  • Conventional tillage without moldboard plow used less herbicide than no-till, and more than ridge till or mulch-till.
  • For insecticides, application rates under conservation tillage were no higher than under conventional tillage, and often lower. The key variable that determined total pesticide loadings in the study area was the number of acres treated in each tillage type and not differences in per-acre application rates between types. Conventional tillage used more insecticides than no-till and about the same as mulch-till, except that plow systems used more than ridge-till. For more information, “Pesticide Use in U.S. Corn Production: Does Conservation Make A Difference?” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 54, No. 2, 1999.

Conservation Practice Trends for Corn and Soybean Production

The use of conservation practices in corn and soybean production is generally stable, with slight year-to-year variability, over 1996-2000. Grassed waterways and drainage are the only conservation practices for corn that are decreasing. The use of conservation practices in soybean production followed the same pattern as corn from 1996-2000.

Corn acres in conventional tillage and mulch tillage have been increasing, while acres in no-till and ridge till dipped slightly. Soybean acreage in conventional tillage has been increasing, particularly in 1999 and 2000. This increase is concurrent with declines in reduced-till acreage during the same period.

Extent of the Combined Use of Soil Conservation Practices in Corn and Soybean Production

Terraces and grassed waterways are regarded as complementary soil conservation activities. Corn and soybeans had only a small share of acreage in fields containing both terraces and grassed waterways from 1996 to 2000 — 5-10 percent for corn and 4-8 percent for soybeans, and the trend in their use is downward.

Grassed waterways are applied singly on more acreage than are terraces for both corn and soybeans. However, the majority of acreage in both crops has neither grassed waterways nor terraces; 59-74 percent for corn and 65-86 percent for soybeans.

Similarly, the combined use of contour farming and strip cropping occurred on 0.5 to 1.4 percent of corn acreage from 1996 to 2000. Contour farming alone is much more prevalent than strip cropping alone, but as with waterways and terraces, most corn fields (80-88 percent) have neither practice in place.

Extent of Corn Acreage Received Technical Assistance and Cost Sharing for Conservation Practices

Terraces and grassed waterways are regarded as complementary soil conservation activities. Corn and soybeans had only a small share of acreage in fields containing both terraces and grassed waterways from 1996-2000, 5-10 percent for corn and 4-8 percent for soybeans. And the trend in their use is downward. Grassed waterways are applied singly on more acreage than are terraces for both corn and soybeans. However, the majority of acreage in both crops has neither grassed waterways nor terraces; 59-74 percent for corn and 65-86 percent for soybeans.

Similarly, the combined use of contour farming and strip cropping occurred on 0.5 to 1.4 percent of the corn acreage from 1996-2000. Contour farming alone is much more prevalent than strip cropping alone, but as with waterways and terraces, the majority of the corn fields (80-88 percent) have neither practice in place.


For more information, contact: Carmen Sandretto

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Updated date: May 11, 2005