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Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee
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Chattanooga Times Free Press
Oak Ridge could get $300 million from stimulus
January 30 – The Oak Ridge National Laboratory could get up to $300 million from the economic stimulus proposal working its way through Congress. Rep. Zach Wamp visited the lab and agreed that it’s performing vital energy research that deserves more federal support. But Rep. Wamp said he joined other House Republicans in voting against the stimulus this week because he said only about 15 percent of the $819 billion bill will stimulate the economy in the right manner. 
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Knoxville News-Sentinel
Stimulus package moves ahead
January 29 –
"They loaded this thing up to a very unacceptable level,” Rep. Zach Wamp said of Democrats. "If it was really creating jobs in the next months, that would be one thing. But the vast majority of it doesn't.The massive package of federal spending and tax cuts that congressional Democrats are pushing to get the economy back on track passed a critical test when a divided U.S. House approved the plan.
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The Oak Ridger
Honoring veterans – every day
November 10 – Freedom in the United States of America is only extended from one generation to the next by the men and women in the uniform of our Armed Forces. Through some periods, these brave Americans were drafted to serve; and in other periods, like this modern era, brave Americans volunteer to serve our country in uniform. By putting their very life and limb between threats to our way of life and our civilian population and standing in the gap on our behalf, they become veterans — our greatest citizens and finest patriots.

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Wamp Opposes Barney Frank Bill On TARP
January 21 Congressman Zach Wamp issued the following statement regarding today’s passage of House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. “The economic rescue plan has been bungled, mismanaged and is not being carried out the way that it was originally presented with extreme urgency to Congress. Many questions about the use of the first $350 billion remain unanswered.”
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Grainger Today
Congressman Zach Wamp touts benefits of Blaine Business Park
November 5 –
U.S. Congressman Zach Wamp joined local business leaders and the principals of Blaine Business Park on Rutledge Pike for a groundbreaking at the 172-acre industrial development. “East Tennessee has once again looked at the needs of its communities and created a solution that will help a ready and willing work force find jobs, as well as bring new economic opportunities to the region,” said Wamp. “Grainger County’s high unemployment rate and the shortage of commercial and industrial land in the regions, coupled with the automotive industry growth in East Tennessee that is upon the horizon, provide a unique opportunity for those looking to locate to the area and invest in East Tennessee.”


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Half-century later, woman still honors brother killed in WWII
November 11 –
It took 50 years for Madeline Warren of Cleveland to receive the flag the U.S. government sent to her family when her 19-year-old brother died in World War II. Warren had letters revealing her brother earned the Purple Heart and three other medals of distinction for making the supreme sacrifice for his country but no one had ever received them. In December of 1996 Warren took her case to the Oak Ridge office of Congressman Zach Wamp who made the matter a top priority. On March 15, 1997, Wamp had the privilege of presenting them to Warren as the guest of honor during a special ceremony in Roane County. Wamp later wrote, "Few things I have done as a Congressman have meant more to me. Few moments have been as emotional.” The honor Wamp showed her 19-year-old deceased brother who served in the Army with the Tank Destroyer Battalion was something Warren said she will never forget.

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NY Times
Obama is open to compromise
January 29 –
President Obama made a campaign trip of sorts to seek bipartisan support for his economic stimulus plan, visiting Republicans. “This was not a drive-by P.R. stunt, and I actually thought it might be,” said Rep. Zach Wamp. “It was a substantive, in-depth discussion with our conference, and he’s very effective. He knows that the debt and the deficit are huge long-term problems as well,” Mr. Wamp said, “and he made a compelling case. He sounded, frankly, a lot like a Republican.”
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Republicans take on a new rallying cry
January 29 –
With the departure of President George W. Bush, Republicans have a new rallying cry: Back to basics! “Republicans blew it on spending, but now Democrats are on steroids with spending," says Rep. Zach Wamp.
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