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Robert F. Bonner, PhD, Head, Section on Medical Biophysics

Vladimir Kuznetsov, PhD, DSc, Senior Fellow

Tatjana Kiseleva, MD, Guest Researcher

Sanford Meyers, MD, Guest Researchera

Mikhail Ostrovsky, PhD, DSc, Guest Researcherb

Ben Ettori, BSEE, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Nicole Mahdi, HHMI Program Student


We develop new biophysical and optical methodologies for biomedical research and clinical applications. Recently, we have been focusing on refining technological approaches to characterizing early stages of disease and to developing strategies to monitor responses to therapy for and prevent the progression of cancer and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). By further developing Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) and of a new automated, direct transfer microdissection, we are seeking to optimize the isolation of specific populations of cells from sections of complex tissues with global analysis of specific molecular changes. We have applied statistical analysis of gene expression to identify candidate lists for stage-specific molecular markers within microdissected cell populations, focusing on technical improvements needed to identify critical but less abundantly expressed genes, proteins, and lipids.

Laser microdissection technology development

As the list of expressed human genes is completed, a major scientific and medical challenge will be to track the complex molecular events that drive normal tissue differentiation and progression of pathologic lesions. Improvements in multiplex molecular microanalysis have made possible the extraction of DNA, mRNA, proteins, and lipids from tissue biopsies or cytology specimens so that the levels of hundreds or even thousands of critical molecules can be analyzed. Given that cells in complex tissue are biochemically and physically affected by surrounding cells as well as by remote stimuli from greater distances, the task of analyzing critical gene expression, protein, and lipid patterns in development, normal function, and disease progression depends on the extraction of specific cells from their complex tissue milieu. In collaboration with the NCI, our laboratory invented and developed LCM and subsequently sought to improve on the resulting commercial laser microdissection. Our tissue preparation and microextraction protocols allow LCM to isolate pure populations of specified cells for subsequent multiplex, microarray analysis.

In parallel efforts, we have been investigating the biophysics of UV-laser ablation. We have developed a novel UV-microscope–based methodology for targeted induction of localized (to about one micron) DNA damage in mammalian cell cultures, thus permitting the observation of the in vivo dynamics of the recruitment of GFP-labeled DNA-repair proteins (Celeste et al., Nat Cell Biol 2003;5:675). In UV-laser microdissection, we have demonstrated the role played by polymer breakdown and ionization in electrostatic interactions determining target collection efficiency. In collaboration with the NIAID, we have used nested PCR and DNA sequencing to demonstrate reliable molecular analysis in LCM-isolated immunolabeled single cells at the single-molecule level. However, with the use of ablative UV-laser microdissection systems, we observed a four-fold reduction in efficiency of specific single-cell analyses as a consequence of cell fragmentation and UV damage. As we proceed to specific cell isolation and greater knowledge of molecular changes in pathology, specific molecular targeting will become increasingly important to ensure rapid, precise collection of subpopulations not discernible by morphology alone.

Laser microdissection techniques are now widely used in molecular analysis of genetics and gene expression changes within target cells in complex tissues. However, in global proteomic and lipid studies without molecular amplification methods, the quantity of isolated cells sufficient to perform accurate characterization of less abundant species is problematic, given that the microscopic visualization, targeting, and isolation in laser microdissection has a maximal rate of about 1 to 20 cells per second depending on the cells’ microscopic distribution within the tissues. Recently, in collaboration with the Emmert-Buck laboratory (NCI) and the CIT at the NIH, we invented and are now refining an automatic microtransfer technique based on molecule-specific labeling of cells that does not require user visualization or microscopic targeting and is capable of much higher throughput rates. The technique (patent pending) is built on our solid physical understanding of thermoplastic microtransfer and uses a much simpler device and transfer films than commercial laser microdissection instruments. Our current prototype is capable of isolating all specifically immunolabeled cells within a 1 cm2 region of a standard immunostained tissue section in about five seconds, corresponding to specific separation from approximately 50,000 cells per second. The technique allows us to exceed the cell separation rates of standard technologies such as fluorescence-activated cell sorting while preserving our ability to harvest directly from standard sections of complex tissues. This new higher-resolution microtransfer method is particularly well suited to isolating highly dispersed, specific cell populations (e.g., stem cells or only those neurons in the supra-optic nucleus that express vasopressin), with the spatial relationships (morphology) among the specific cells in the tissue preserved on the transfer film. As the technology becomes more robust, we will seek to integrate the microtransfer with molecular profiling of specific cells within tissues, including routine proteomic and lipidomic analyses, particularly for the large number of less abundant molecular species (lower copy number per cell).

Chuaqui RF, Bonner RF, Best CJM, Gillespie JW, Flaig MJ, Hewitt SM, Phillips JL, Krizman DB, Tangrea MA, Ahram M, Linehan WM, Knezevic V, Emmert-Buck MR. Post-analysis follow-up and validation of microarray experiments. Nat Genet 2002;32:509-514.

Mage R, Bonner RF, Obiakor HAT. Microdissection of single or small numbers of cells for analyses of DNA and RNA by PCR. In: PCR Technology: Current Innovations, 2d ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003;29-36.

Obiakor H, Sehgal D, Dasso JF, Bonner RF, Malekafzali A, Mage RG. A comparison of hydraulic and laser capture microdissection methods for collection of single B cells, PCR, and sequencing of antibody VDJ. Anal Biochem 2002;306:55-62.

Parlato R, Rosica A, Cuccurullo V, Mansi L, Macchia P, Owens JD, Mushinski JF, De Felice M, Bonner RF, DiLauro R. A preservation method that allows recovery of intact RNA from tissues dissected by laser capture microdissection. Anal Biochem 2002;300:139-145.

Tangrea MA, Chuaqui RF, Gillespie JW, Pohida TJ, Bonner RF, Emmert-Buck MR. Expression microdissection: operator-independent retrieval of cells for molecular profiling. Diagn Mol Pathol 2004;13:207-212.

United States Patents

#6,569,639 issued May 27, 2003: Isolation of cellular material under microscopic visualization. Liotta LA, Buck MF, Weiss RA, Zhuang Z, Bonner RF.

#6,420,132 issued July 16, 2002: Precision laser capture microdissection utilizing short pulse length. Bonner RF, Goldstein SR, Smith PD, Pohida TJ.

#6,251,516 issued June 26, 2001: Isolation of cellular material under microscopic visualization. Bonner RF, Liotta L, Buck M, Krizman DB, Chuaqui R, Linehan WM, Trent JM, Goldstein SR, Smith PD, Peterson JI.

Gene expression complexity and statistics of gene expression

If microdissection and molecular analysis can be made clinically practical, the expression levels of sets of approximately 20 to 100 critical, stage-specific disease markers within a selected cell population might provide reliable diagnosis and intermediate endpoints of response to molecular therapies in individual patients. Our analysis of large gene expression and protein databases suggests that a significant fraction of all genes is expressed in any specific cell type and that the levels of gene products universally exhibit a highly skewed power-law distribution similar to those characterizing many other complex systems. We have developed mathematical models for the evolution of such distributions; our models predict the observed distributions of genes, protein domains, and gene expression in species of increasing biological complexity.

To follow macromolecular changes during cancer progression within prostate, breast, lung, and ovary tissues, we have developed, in collaboration with the NCI, standard procedures for the isolation of normal and pathological cells from clinical specimens. Using statistical multivariate analysis, we have developed mathematical algorithms for the selection of “candidate genes” from cDNA libraries. The candidate genes’ expression frequencies are strongly correlated with disease progression. We use our models of the statistics of expression levels in cell populations to identify genes differentially expressed in cancer progression. To date, our analysis points to a critical role for many less abundantly expressed genes at a critical stage of ovarian cancer progression and suggests that, for most cancers, diagnostic marker sets should include such low-abundance transcripts. This notion is guiding our research in the statistics of less abundant gene products and suitable detection methods.

Kuznetsov VA. Family of skewed distributions associated with the gene expression and proteome evolution. Signal Process 2003;83:889-910.

Kuznetsov VA, Knott GD, Bonner RF. General statistics of stochastic process of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Genetics 2002;161:1321-1332.

Kuznetsov VA, Pickalov VV, Senko OV, Knott GD. Analysis of the evolving proteomes: predictions of the number of protein domains in nature and the number of genes in eukaryotic organisms. J Biol Syst 2002;10:381-407.

Gene expression during normal development and pathology progression

We have applied single-cell LCM capture technology to study gene expression during normal development (spermatogenesis and thyroid bud development) and in stage-specific pathological cells (e.g., cancer precursors). In collaboration with Roberto DiLauro’s laboratory, we examined gene expression patterns associated with the primordial thyroid and the adjacent cells from which it derives in both wild-type and knockout mice. In collaboration with Fred Mushinski, we are applying the same LCM methodology to study early changes in the well-established plasmacytoma model in BALB/c mice. Jointly, we have developed robust LCM techniques for isolating specific cells from mouse cryosections and have recovered good yields of high-quality mRNA. In collaboration with Life Technologies, Inc., we have made cDNA libraries of high diversity and message length from 100 ng of microdissected mRNA (about 5,000 cells). Using Affymetrix microarray hybridization, we can determine global gene expression profiles in these libraries while preserving the libraries for isolation of the full-length message of identified stage-specific genes. We are planning to apply these methods, which have undergone validation in reproducible animal models, to clinical specimens of early stages of disease progression for microdissection of critical and rare cell populations. We foresee an evolution of molecular diagnosis from one based on the qualitative or quantitative analysis of a few key macromolecules to one in which special clustering algorithms analyze complex multivariate databases. Such analyses should permit a more complete identification of highly correlated clinical cases and allow us to characterize their response to molecular therapies specifically designed to prevent progression. To this end, we have refined the LCM of rare cell populations, particularly those that might be accessible by serial, minimally invasive cell harvesting from patients.

Jones MB, Michener CM, Blanchette JO, Kuznetsov VA, Raffeld M, Serrero G, Emmert-Buck MR, Petricoin EF, Krizman DB, Liotta LA, Kohn EC. The granulin-epithelin precursor/PC-cell-derived growth factor is a growth factor for epithelial ovarian cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2003;9:44-51.

Mutsuga N, Shahar T, Verbalis JG, Brownstein MJ, Xiang CC, Bonner RF, Gainer H. Selective gene expression in magnocellular neurons in rat supraoptic nucleus. J Neurosci 2004;24:7174-7185.

Prevention of progression of age-related macular degeneration through photoprotection

The associations of late stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with cataracts, earlier cataract surgery, cumulative exposure to sunlight, and pigmentation all support the hypothesis that chronic photochemical injury drives AMD progression. Lipofuscin accumulates with age in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and co-localizes with acute photosensitization of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) in the primate retina. We model the normal accumulation of potentially damaging photoproducts with age in the RPE and Bruch’s Membrane (BM) complex and as well as changes induced by additional spectral filtering of light reaching the macula. Lipofuscin granules in the RPE contain at least 10 different fluorescent photochemical products, including A2E (N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine), its epoxides, and other as yet chemically unidentified A2E-related fluorophores. The precursors of these fluorophores originate from reactions of all-trans-retinal within the rod outer segment (ROS) discs during periods associated with significant rhodopsin bleaching (i.e., normal daylight). Although RPE lysosomal processing enzymatically digests over 99 percent of the shed ROS discs, A2E and related fluorophores are not digested but are concentrated into lipofuscin granules. By age 60, the average concentration of A2E within RPE cells reaches about 400 microM in normal eyes. However, A2E is toxic to cellular membranes at much lower concentrations. We hypothesize that segregation of A2E into lipofuscin granules and prevention of its redistribution into critical membranes is required for RPE health.

We developed a biophysical model by using normal values of pupil size, lens transmission, and the rod dark adaptation time constant trh to determine average retinal spectral irradiance, steady-state concentration of all-trans-retinal, all-trans-retinal photosensitization of oxidative damage, all-trans-retinal reactions to form A2E-related species in ROS, and A2E photo-oxidation within RPE lipofuscin granules as a function of age and ambient light intensity. Our model predicts a decline of about one third in the action spectra–weighted short-wavelength macular irradiance with each decade and a nearly constant production rate of A2E-related fluorophores in the RPE during the first 60 years (falling significantly thereafter). A similar age dependence of total lipofuscin granule volume and total fluorescence per RPE cell was reported recently in human cadaver eyes. Since the rates of lipofuscin increase with age are slower than the rate of decrease in short-wavelength macular irradiance in the phakic eye with age, ROI photosensitization in the RPE should also fall with increasing age. Photo-oxidative stress in the outer retina might arise from the smaller amounts of A2E-related fluorophores observed in critical membranes of the RPE/BM complex. However, if the RPE/BM complex were the site of photo-oxidative injury driving AMD progression, the magnitude and rate of the oxidative injury would be expected to increase dramatically with action spectra–weighted macular irradiance following cataract removal and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.

Predicting that mechanisms of photo-oxidative injury decrease with advancing age, we propose a contrarian view that singlet oxygen generation by RPE lipofuscin allows the chemical alteration of accumulating A2E, thereby limiting the steady-state levels of A2E ([A2E]ss) in the RPE, the redistribution of A2E into retinal membranes, and A2E chemical toxicity. Singlet oxygen generated photochemically within the lipofuscin granule reacts with its A2E to form A2E epoxides, which then react to form increasingly complex cross-linked molecules. As short-wavelength macular irradiance falls with age, the rate of A2E photo-oxidation falls 15- to 20-fold, causing [A2E]ss to increase in the normal phakic eye even as rod bleaching and A2E production decrease. Our theoretical model of macular aging reproduces the normal age dependence of lipofuscin and A2E and provides a primary cytotoxic mechanism in which, once A2E exceeds a threshold concentration in the RPE cell, A2E redistribution into membranes causes damage with or without additional photo-activation. In our model, it is primarily the yellowing of the lens with age that distorts the original spectral balance between rate of production and rate of photo-oxidation found in youth and allows the [A2E]ss to rise.

We are evaluating noninvasive retinal imaging methods that might permit clinical validation of our predictions of photochemical changes following cataract surgery as well as of our predictions of the benefits of specific spectral photo-protective filters. Our proposed spectrally selective “sunglasses” reduce both rod activation in bright ambient light and the accumulation of toxic photoproducts in the RPE. In collaboration with Sergei Avetisov, we are designing clinical studies of the effects of such filters on progression of both early and moderate AMD following cataract surgery and IOL implantation.

Meyers SM, Ostrovsky MA, Bonner RF. A model of spectral filtering to reduce photochemical damage in age-related macular degeneration. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2004, in press.

aRetina Consultants, Des Plaines, IL

bRussian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


Sergei Avetisov, MD, Eye Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Francisco de Monasterio, MD, Office of the Clinical Director, NEI, Bethesda, MD

Roberto DiLauro, PhD, University of Naples Medical School and Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

Michael R. Emmert-Buck, MD, PhD, Laboratory of Pathology, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Rose G. Mage, PhD, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID, Bethesda, MD

Arash Malekafzali, MS, Arcturus Bioscience Inc., Mountain View, CA

James L. Mulshine, MD, Medical Oncology Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Fred Mushinski, MD, Laboratory of Genetics, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Harold Obiakor, PhD, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID, Bethesda, MD

Rosanna Parlato, PhD, European Molecular Biology Laboratories, Heidelberg, Germany

Tom Pohida, MSEE, Computational Biology and Electronics Laboratory, CIT, Bethesda, MD

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