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Chi-Hon Lee, MD, PhD, Head, Unit on Neuronal Connectivity

Shuying Gao, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Chun-Yuan Ting, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Shinichi Yonekura, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Phoung Chung, BA, Biological Laboratory Technician                                                          



We study the molecular mechanisms that specify neuronal connections during development. Most parts of animal brains are divided into layers, each innervated by one or a few distinct types of afferents. This type of connection specificity, called layer-specific targeting, facilitates information processing. We use the Drosophila visual system as a model to study how different retinal afferents choose their target layers during development. Our first objective is to determine the cellular events involved in the target selection process and have discovered that the layer selection of the R7 type of photoreceptor neurons occurs in two distinct stages, each involving a distinct set of molecular and cellular interactions. Our second objective is to identify the molecular components involved in the selection process and to determine their mechanisms of action. Using a genetic technique that allows the generation of single mutant neurons in an otherwise wild-type animal, we revealed that N-cadherin functions in the first target selection stage. We further determined that the N-cadherin (Ncad) gene undergoes alternative splicing to generate 12 protein isoforms. Our third objective is to determine the function of the molecular diversity of N-cadherin. We are currently testing the hypothesis that different cadherins form a synaptic code to direct connection specificity.

Occurrence of R7 and R8 neuronal layer selection in two distinct stages

Ting, Lee

In flies, the visual information received from the retina converges to the external part of the medullary neuropil (M1 to M6 layers). R7 and R8 photoreceptors directly connect to the M6 and M3 layers, respectively, whereas laminal interneurons (LNs) relay R1 to R6 to multiple layers (M1 to M5) in the medulla. To gain insight into the developmental mechanisms governing the formation of layer-specific connectivity in the medulla, we examined the innervation of medulla by R7, R8, and LN afferents at various developmental stages. We found that medulla innervation by retinal afferents occurs in two distinct stages: the early and midpupal stages. During the first stage, R7, R8, and LN axons independently target to their temporary layers. At the second stage, the R7 and R8 growth cones regain motility to reach their destined layers.

The first stage of layer selection occurs immediately after retinal afferents reach the medullary target area. Within each basic visual unit, the R8, R7, and laminal axons project sequentially into the medulla. R8 axons first project into the superficial layer (the R8 temporary layer). R7 axons follow the R8 axons and terminate at a layer below the R8 temporary layer. Finally, LN axons project past the R8 layer and terminate between the R7 and R8 growth cones. Thus, the layer-specific targeting of R8, LNs, and R7 (positioned from proximal to distal layers) at the early pupal stage does not arise simply from the order of their innervation (R8 first, then R7, and finally LNs) but most likely reflects specific properties of different afferents.

The second stage of R7 and R8 target selection starts approximately 50 hours after pupal formation. During this stage, the R7 growth cones project approximately 2 micrometers farther into the deeper medulla while the R8 growth cones project another 6 micrometers or so past the L2 growth cones to reach a layer below. By 70 hours after pupil formation, the R7 and R8 growth cones reach their final layers to assume their adult configurations. In contrast to the initial target selection, which occurs immediately after the axonal projection, all R7 and R8 axons enter the second target selection stage at approximately the same time, regardless of the time of their arrival at the medulla. We speculate that a global signal is responsible for triggering the initiation of the second stage. As the inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthase has been shown to disrupt layer-specific targeting of R cell, we are currently investigating whether NO plays a role in regulating the second stage of R7 layer selection.

To address whether afferent-afferent interaction is required for proper target selection, we examined target selection in mutant animals lacking LNs or R7s. First, we observed that, in hh1 mutants that lack LNs, the R7 and R8 axons still project to their temporary layers, although they fail to separate. We further confirmed this observation by blocking LN differentiation with a dominant negative form of EGF receptor. Thus, LN growth cones intercalate between the R7 and R8 growth cones to separate them, but the LN axons are not required for R7 and R8 target selection. Second, we observed that the R8 and LN axons target correctly in sevenless mutants, which lack R7s. Third, the removal of Ncad in single R8s disrupts R8 targeting without affecting the targeting of the neighboring R7s. Based on these results, we conclude that afferent-afferent interactions play a minor role in layer-specific targeting. Instead, we favor the view that R8, R7, and LN growth cones read an existing cue in the medulla to select their temporary target layers.

Clandinin TR, Lee C-H, Herman T, Lee RC, Yang AY, Ovasapyan S, Zipursky SL. Drosophila LAR regulates R1-R6 and R7 target specificity in the visual system. Neuron 2001;32:237-248.

Lee RC, Clandinin TR, Lee C-H, Chen PL, Meinertzhagen IA, Zipursky SL. The protocadherin Flamingo is required for axon target selection in the Drosophila visual system. Nat Neurosci 2003;6:557-563.

Requirement for N-cadherin at the first stage of the R7 target selection

Yonekura, Ting, Lee

By examining Ncad phenotypes at the adult stage, we previously demonstrated that N-cadherin is required for R7 layer–specific targeting. To determine the developmental stage during which Ncad functions and to identify the developmental defects in Ncad mutant R7s, we modified the single-cell mosaic method previously used for adult phenotypic analysis to allow us to analyze single wild-type or mutant R7 axons during development. We observed that, during the early pupal stage, about a quarter of the Ncad mutant R7 growth cones failed to reach the R7 temporary layer. In addition, more than half the Ncad mutant R7 growth cones exhibit various morphological defects; they fail to expand fully in the medulla, with some expanding prematurely before reaching the appropriate layer. We next examined the Ncad mutant phenotype at 35 percent pupal stage, during which the wild-type R7 and R8 growth cones form two separate layers. We observed that approximately half the Ncad mutant R7 axons terminated incorrectly at the R8 layer or the layer between the R7 and R8 layers. We conclude that, at the midpupal stage, at least a quarter of the Ncad mutant R7 growth cones reach the R7 temporary layer at the early pupal stage but retract from the correct layer at the midpupal stage. We propose that N-cadherin mediates the adhesive interaction between R7 growth cones and their temporary target layer.

Lee C-H, Herman T, Clandinin TR, Lee R, Zipursky SL. N-cadherin regulates target specificity in the Drosophila visual system. Neuron 2001;30:437-450.

Dynamic regulation of Ncad alternative splicing during development

Ting, Lee; in collaboration with Chess, Chiba, Hsu, Neves

Genomic sequence analysis revealed an unusual modular organization of the Ncad gene that contains three exon modules, corresponding to exons 7, 13, and 18; each module is composed of a pair of highly similar but distinct exons designated exons 7a/7b, exons 13a/13b, and exons 18a. We identified similar genomic organization in the Ncad-orthologous gene in the honeybee (Apis mellifera), the malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae), and another member of the Drosophila family, D. pseudoobscura, which all diverged from D. melanogaster approximately 380, 250, and 25 million years ago, respectively. In addition, we uncovered an additional exon, designated as exon 7a´. Exon 7a´ encodes three amino acid residues and was found in the exon 7a-containing Ncad transcripts, but not in those containing exon 7b. By combinatorial use of these alternative exons, the Ncad locus is capable of generating 12 isoforms (encoded by exon 7a, exons 7a+7a´, or exon 7b; exon 13a or 13b; exon 18a or 18b). All 12 Ncad isoforms share the same modular structure of a distinct class of classical cadherin receptors composed of a large extracellular domain, a single-pass transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail that can interact with catenins. The extracellular domains of this cadherin class contain 16 cadherin repeats (CA), four EGF-like calcium-binding cysteine-rich repeats (EGF-CA), and two lamina-A globular (LmA-G) domains. Drosophila Ncad homologs were found in vertebrates (chicken, zebrafish, and fugu) and worms. However, our preliminary analysis fails to reveal the Ncad alternative splicing in vertebrates.

To test whether Ncad alternative splicing is regulated during development, we developed a Tagman®-based real-time PCR assay to examine the Ncad expression profiles in different tissues and developmental stages. The assay provides high accuracy and specificity for detecting each alternative exon in the range of 10 to 3,000 fg cDNA. Using this assay system, we found that all six alternative exons are expressed at some level throughout development. However, we observed several significant differences in the Ncad expression profiles at different developmental stages, indicating that Ncad alternative splicing is developmentally regulated, especially during the embryonic stages. At the early embryonic stage, exons 7a and 18b were used predominantly (88.3 and 94.8 percent, respectively) while exons 13a and 13b were expressed at approximately equal levels. In sharp contrast, exons 7b, 13a, and 18a are used predominantly (89.7, 94.7, and 74.1 percent, respectively) at the late embryonic stage. Moreover, from the larval, to pupal, and to adult stages, the relative levels of 7b, 13a, and 18a gradually increase and, in the adult stage, constitute over 90 percent of the total Ncad transcripts (90.0, 93.6, and 94.7 percent, respectively). These data indicate that the isoform 7b-13a-18a is prevalent in the adult stages while the other isoforms encoded by exons 7a, 13b, and 18b were expressed primarily during development.

We further examined the Ncad expression profiles in the eye discs at different developmental stages. We found that all six alternative exons are expressed in the retina throughout development. However, the expression of exons 18a/18b is significantly regulated: from the third instar larval, to the pupal, and to the adult stages, the exon 18a level gradually increases from 15 to 92 percent. In contrast, the relative levels of exons13a/13b and exons 7a/7b show only modest variations throughout development. The 7b-13a-18b and 7b-13a-18a isoforms are the predominant form in the larval eye discs and adult retina, respectively, while these two forms are similarly expressed during pupal stages. We next examined whether different subtypes of photoreceptor neurons express different isoforms. We adapted a cell-sorting method to isolate R3/4 and R7 neurons from the third instar larval eye discs and subjected the extracted RNA to quantitative PCR analysis. We found that R3/4 and R7 neurons exhibit virtually identical expression profiles on exons 7a/b and 18a/b and a similar preference for exon 13a over 13b, indicating little difference between the expression profiles of the two distinct R-cell types. In summary, the alternative splicing of exons 18a/18b is dynamically regulated in the developing eye discs. However, the R3/4 and R7 types of photoreceptor neurons have similar expression profiles.

Mediation of homophilic interactions with graded affinities by Ncad isoforms

Yonekura, Ting, Chung, Lee

We have taken two approaches to determine the function of the Ncad isoforms. First, we used transgene-rescue and overexpression assays to determine whether different Ncad isoforms have distinct functions in R7 neurons. Second, we used a cell-aggregation assay to test whether Ncad isoforms can mediate homo- and heterophilic interactions in vitro. In the transgene-rescue experiments, we combined the GMR-FLP/MARCM system with UAS-Ncad isoform transgenes to express a single type of Ncad isoform in Ncad mutant R7s. The experiments are designed to avoid non–cell-autonomous effects associated with Ncad expression because the transgene-mediated Ncad isoform expression is restricted to the R7 neurons that are homozygous Ncad mutants. We found that expressing a single Ncad isoform, including 7a-13a-18a, 7b-13a-18a, 7b-13b-18a, and 7b-13a-18b, is sufficient to rescue the Ncad phenotypes in R7 axons. We next determined whether, in the wild-type background, mis- or overexpressing a single Ncad isoform in R7s alters the cell’s target specificity. We found that expressing any of the isoforms in R7 axons causes modest mistargeting and growth cone morphological defects. However, both defects were reduced in the older R7 axons and were not observed in the later stage. This finding indicates that overexpressing single Ncad isoforms in R7 neurons is insufficient to change R7 target specificity permanently. We concluded that Ncad molecular diversity does not play an important role in R7 targeting.

Using an S2 cell-aggregation assay, we found that the Ncad 7b-13a-18a and the alternative exon-substituted isoforms, including 7a-13a-18a, 7b-13b-18a, and 7b-13a-18b, are capable of inducing cell aggregates in the presence of calcium, indicating that they mediate homophilic interaction. We observed that the Ncad isoform 7b-13a-18b is capable of inducing very large aggregates while Ncad 7b-13a-18a induces mostly small aggregates, suggesting that the isoforms have different homophilic binding affinities. After careful quantification, we conclude that Ncad isoforms mediate homophilic interactions and that the region encoded by exon 18 dictates the binding affinity. In addition, we found that all tested Ncad isoforms induced mixed-cell aggregates, indicating that they can mediate heterophilic interactions. However, the Ncad-expressing S2 cells did not intermix with the S2 cells expressing E-cadherin, another Drosophila classical cadherin; instead, they formed separate cell aggregates. In summary, Ncad isoforms mediate type-specific but not isoform-specific heterophilic interactions.

The lack of isoform specificity revealed by the transgene rescue, overexpression experiments, and heterophilic interaction assays strongly argues against the hypothesis that the Ncad isoforms constitute an adhesion code to direct targeting specificity. Instead, we suggest that the Ncad isoforms encoded by exon 18b are expressed predominantly during the axon outgrowth stages to provide strong axon-axon interactions while the exon 18a-encoding Ncad isoforms provide weak interactions between growth cones and their targets.


Andrew Chess, PhD, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA

Akira Chiba, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

Shu-ning Hsu, BA, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

Guilherme Neves, PhD, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA

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