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Federal Disaster Declared in Response to California Wildfires

The lightning-caused fires that erupted in California in June constituted a disaster that wreaked havoc across the North State.  I was able to witness firsthand the efforts of our brave firefighters and communities.  I toured the Humboldt fire in Butte County on June 15th, the Butte Lightning Complex on June 28th, and the Shasta-Trinity fires on July 2nd.  At one point there were more than 1,400 fires blazing in our State, with a majority of those fires burning in Northern California. 

I contacted President Bush, along with 34 members of the California Congressional Delegation, in strong support of Governor Schwarzenegger's request for a federal disaster declaration, and I am pleased to report that request was swiftly granted.  This emergency declaration opened up essential federal resources needed to save the homes, property and potentially the lives of our citizens.  Enormous progress is being made by the unprecedented number of firefighters battling these blazes. 

The tinder dry conditions in our National Forests underscore the urgent need to update the overly restrictive federal laws that have prevented strategic thinning of terribly overstocked stands of trees.  I will continue to fight for common sense reforms of these laws.

Important Information on North State Wildfires



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