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Our Science – Austin Website

Stuart J. Austin, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Nielsen HJ, Youngren B, Hansen FG, Austin S.
Dynamics of Escherichia coli chromosome segregation during multifork replication.
J. Bacteriol. 189: 8660-6, 2007.
2)  Nielsen HJ, Li Y, Youngren B, Hansen FG, Austin S.
Progressive segregation of the Escherichia coli chromosome.
Mol. Microbiol. 61: 383-93, 2006.
3)  Nielsen HJ, Ottesen JR, Youngren B, Austin SJ, Hansen FG.
The Escherichia coli chromosome is organized with the left and right chromosome arms in separate cell halves.
Mol. Microbiol. 62: 331-8, 2006.
4)  Guarné A, Brendler T, Zhao Q, Ghirlando R, Austin S, Yang W.
Crystal structure of a SeqA-N filament: implications for DNA replication and chromosome organization.
EMBO J. 24: 1502-11, 2005.
5)  Camara JE, Breier AM, Brendler T, Austin S, Cozzarelli NR, Crooke E.
Hda inactivation of DnaA is the predominant mechanism preventing hyperinitiation of Escherichia coli DNA replication.
EMBO Rep. 6: 736-41, 2005.
6)  Sergueev K, Dabrazhynetskaya A, Austin S.
Plasmid partition system of the P1par family from the pWR100 virulence plasmid of Shigella flexneri.
J Bacteriol. 187: 3369-73, 2005.
7)  Dabrazhynetskaya A, Sergueev K, Austin S.
Species and Incompatibility Determination within the P1par Family of Plasmid Partition Elements.
J Bacteriol. 187: 5977-83, 2005.
8)  Sayeed S, Brendler T, Davis M, Reaves L, Austin S.
Surprising dependence on postsegregational killing of host cells for maintenance of the large virulence plasmid of Shigella flexneri.
J Bacteriol. 187: 2768-73, 2005.
9)  Brendler T, Reaves L, Austin S.
Interplay between plasmid partition and postsegregational killing systems.
J Bacteriol. 186: 2504-7, 2004.
10)  Li Y, Dabrazhynetskaya A, Youngren B, Austin S.
The role of Par proteins in the active segregation of the P1 plasmid.
Mol Microbiol. 53: 93-102, 2004.
11)  Li Y, Youngren B, Sergueev K, Austin S.
Segregation of the Escherichia coli chromosome terminus.
Mol Microbiol. 50: 825-34, 2003.
12)  Sergueev K, Court D, Reaves L, Austin S.
E.coli cell-cycle regulation by bacteriophage lambda.
J Mol Biol. 324: 297-307, 2002.
13)  Li Y, Austin S.
The P1 plasmid in action: time-lapse photomicroscopy reveals some unexpected aspects of plasmid partition.
Plasmid. 48: 174-8, 2002.
14)  Li Y, Austin S.
The P1 plasmid is segregated to daughter cells by a 'capture and ejection' mechanism coordinated with Escherichia coli cell division.
Mol Microbiol. 46: 63-74, 2002.
15)  Li Y, Sergueev K, Austin S.
The segregation of the Escherichia coli origin and terminus of replication.
Mol Microbiol. 46: 985-96, 2002.
16)  Sawitzke JA, Li Y, Sergueev K, Youngren B, Brendler T, Jones K, Austin S.
Transcriptional interference by a complex formed at the centromere-like partition site of plasmid P1.
J Bacteriol. 184: 2447-54, 2002.
17)  Sawitzke J, Austin S.
An analysis of the factory model for chromosome replication and segregation in bacteria.
Mol Microbiol. 40: 786-94, 2001.
18)  Sergueev K, Yu D, Austin S, Court D.
Cell toxicity caused by products of the p(L) operon of bacteriophage lambda.
Gene. 272: 227-35, 2001.
19)  Brendler T, Sawitzke J, Sergueev K, Austin S.
A case for sliding SeqA tracts at anchored replication forks during Escherichia coli chromosome replication and segregation.
EMBO J. 19: 6249-58, 2000.
20)  Youngren B, Radnedge L, Hu P, Garcia E, Austin S.
A plasmid partition system of the P1-P7par family from the pMT1 virulence plasmid of Yersinia pestis.
J Bacteriol. 182: 3924-8, 2000.
21)  Sayeed S, Reaves L, Radnedge L, Austin S.
The stability region of the large virulence plasmid of Shigella flexneri encodes an efficient postsegregational killing system.
J Bacteriol. 182: 2416-21, 2000.

This page was last updated on 8/5/2008.