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Diabetes: Control - Slide 8

Slide 8

Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)

  • Compared effects of two diabetes treatment regimens – standard therapy and intensive control – on the complications of diabetes in people with type 1 diabetes


DCCT. New England Journal of Medicine, 329(14), September 30, 1993.



  • The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), an NIH-funded clinical trial, was conducted from 1983 to 1993.

  • The DCCT is the largest, most comprehensive diabetes study ever conducted. The study compared the effects of two treatment regimens—standard therapy and intensive control—on the complications of diabetes in people with type 1 diabetes.



The DCCT Study Research Group. New England Journal of Medicine, 329(14), September 30, 1993.


Revised November 2008


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