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U.S. Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs

412 Russell Senate Bldg.Washington D.C. 20510

Democratic Staff(202) 224-9126

825A Hart Senate Bldg.Washington D.C. 20510

Republican Staff(202) 224-2074

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
General Issues

Question 1: How do I get assistance concerning my individual case work?


The Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs is dedicated to being an advocate for our nation's veterans, from those who served in World War I to our veterans who are returning home today. The Committee convenes hearings, conducts oversight and investigations, and is responsible for all legislation relating to veterans benefits and medical care. We appreciate learning of problems, concerns, and areas of success that we can use to help all veterans.

However, if you have a specific problem or need specific help with the VA or other federal agencies, the Senators from your home state can best assist you in that regard. Contact either one of your state's two Senators by clicking on: My United States Senator.

Question 2: Where is my local VA center?

Contact information

The VA health care system is the largest integrated health care system in the United States. In order to find the VA Medical System nearest you, please visit

You may review the 2006 Edition of Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents and at