2009 Committee Meetings

Hearings & Markups

Meetings are listed in reverse chronological order. Not all witness statements are provided. Prepared testimony is in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Web casts are in Windows Media Format.

All Committee meetings are available LIVE on the Internet; check Schedule for times.

High Bandwidth   |   Low Bandwidth (Audio Only)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Economic Outlook and Budget Challenges


Douglas Elmendorf, Ph.D.
Congressional Budget Office

Alice Rivlin, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Brookings Institution

Mark Zandi, Ph.D.
Chief Economist and Cofounder
Moody's Economy.com

Laurence Meyer, Ph.D.
Vice Chairman
Macroeconomic Advisers, LLC

Kevin Hassett , Ph.D.
Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies
American Enterprise Institute

Hearing Summary

Web Casts: (3 hours): Video (380mb) | Audio (42mb)

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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Organizational Meeting & Recommendation for a New Director for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

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2008 Committee Meetings

2007 Committee Meetings