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08.06.09 - News
Kepler Delights with Early Science Results

06.16.09 - Newsletter
The current issue of the Discovery and New Frontiers Quarterly Newsletter is now online.

06.15.09 - News
New Discovery and New Frontiers Interactive Goes Live

05.18.09 - News
NASA Selects Future Projects To Study Mars And Mercury

Past News Archives

Discovery & New Frontiers Fan page on Facebook
Check out the new Discovery & New Frontiers on Facebook! You can become a fan, upload photos, write something on the wall, or start a discussion.
Upcoming Mission Events

MESSENGER 3rd Mercury Flyby
September 2009

EPOXI flyby of comet Hartley 2
October 2010

Stardust-NExT flyby of comet Tempel 1
Feb. 14, 2011

MESSENGER Mercury Orbit Insertion
March 2011

Dawn Arrives at Vesta
August 2011

Juno Launch
August 2011

GRAIL Launch
September 2011

New Horizons Pluto-Charon Encounter
July 2015


Topics of Interest



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To view the current and past Discovery and New Frontier News Quarterly Newsletters.
Newsletter Archives

Welcome to the Discovery & New Frontiers Program Office.

The Discovery and New Frontiers Program Office was formed in August 2004, when the NASA Science Mission Directorate combined two existing solar system exploration program offices into a single, cohesive entity. The office is part of the Science & Missions Systems Office at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

The small-class Discovery missions and the medium-class New Frontiers missions complement NASA’s flagship missions to meet the many scientific and technical challenges of deep space exploration. The Discovery and New Frontiers missions include flybys, orbiters, landers, impactors, and sample returns to assure optimum scientific value. The discoveries produced by these groundbreaking missions not only dramatically advance our understanding of the solar system, but also help NASA to further refine its exploration strategy.

This web site describes the functions of the Program Office and has an introduction to the staff. It provides historical information on how the programs came to be. It has links to the Discovery and New Frontiers Programs web sites, the quarterly newsletter published since September 2000, the education section of each mission's web site, Announcements of Opportunity, and the news archive.

Click on the image below to view our new Mission Milestone Interactive which displays an overview of the 13 Discovery and New Frontiers missions plus the 4 Discovery Missions of Opportunity. It also features an “At A Glance” exploration timeline for the 13 full missions.

Mission Milestones

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Discover Program Poster
Space Thrills!
This poster for K-4 students uses reading and writing activities to teach students about the solar system. Students will Meet Our Solar System and ponder Solar System Mysteries. Teacher Tips and Resources and Student Activities are included.

For Teachers Only
To receive a free copy of this poster, send your name, grade level, complete school name and address, and email address. Due to COPPA laws, if you are under the age of 13, you may download the poster, or ask your parent/teacher to order one for your classroom. This information will not be released to any outside party. For additional information, please see the NASA Privacy Policy and Important Notices.

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Project Manager: Shari Asplund
Curator: Anthony Goodeill
NASA Official
: Dennon Clardy