The NASA Safety Reporting System (NSRS)

The NSRS is an anonymous, voluntary, and responsive reporting channel to notify NASA’s upper management of your concerns about hazards. Your report is guaranteed to receive prompt attention.

Established by the NASA Administrator in 1987 after the Challenger Shuttle mishap, the NSRS has since supported all flights and has been expanded to cover all NASA operations.


NSRS Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can send reports to the NSRS?

Any NASA or contractor employee working in support of NASA.

When should you use the NSRS?

The NSRS is designed to supplement your local hazard-reporting channels. You should first report any hazard or safety concern using your established safety reporting procedures. For more specific information regarding NASA's local safety and hazard reporting procedures, please click here.

Use the NSRS if --

  • You have reported a hazard locally and have seen no action taken;
  • You are not satisfied with the response to a reported hazard; or
  • You fear reprisal if you were to report the hazard through local reporting channels.

What should be reported to the NSRS?

Any hazard presented by a NASA operation that can affect the public, the NASA workforce, or NASA assets. On the reporting form, please describe the hazard in detail. Include as much information as you can to help clarify your concern. Be sure to include the following:

  • The scope of the hazard (whether the hazard affects NASA assets, the NASA workforce, and/or the general public).
  • Manufacturing sources and/or part numbers (if hardware is involved).
  • The physical location of the hazard.
  • Whether or not you have reported the hazard elsewhere.
  • Whether the hazard relates to a single event or recurring process.
  • What you believe caused the hazard.
  • What you think can be done to correct the hazard and prevent a recurrence.
  • What you believe the consequences may be if the hazard remains unresolved.

Please do not include classified information in your report. Fraud, waste, and abuse should be reported directly to the NASA Inspector General by dialing the Inspector General HOTLINE at 1-800-424-9183. The NSRS contractor will forward any report of criminal activity to the NASA Inspector General. Your anonymity cannot be guaranteed if you report criminal activity to the NSRS

How do I submit a report to the NSRS?
  By obtaining, completing, and mailing an NSRS Reporting Form. The NSRS prpgram does not accept reports by telephone or email. NSRS Reporting Forms can be obtained from NSRS displays at every NASA facility, or by downloading now (PDF format.)

Follow the instructions on the Reporting Form and mail the completed form to:

NASA Safety Reporting System
PO Box 5826
Bethesda MD 20824-9913


How is my anonymity protected?

An NSRS contractor receives and processes reports at its office located in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.

The NSRS contractor will remove your identifying information and forward only a summary of your concerns to the NASA Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance for immediate analysis and investigation.

Your identity will NOT be shared with NASA at any point.
No record of your identity will be kept.

Please do not include classified information in your report. Fraud, waste, and abuse
should be reported directly to the NASA Inspector General by dialing the Inspector
General HOTLINE at 1-800-424-9183. The NSRS contractor will forward any report of criminal activity to the NASA Inspector General. Your anonymity cannot be guaranteed if you report criminal activity to the NSRS

How are reports handled by NASA Headquarters?

The NSRS Chairperson at NASA Headquarters, Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, reviews the report summary received from the NSRS contractor and assigns action to a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) member at the appropriate NASA facility.

The TAG has 30 days to investigate the hazard and report findings to the NSRS
Chairperson. The NSRS Chairperson continues to work with the TAG until the
hazard has been sufficiently addressed.

If the Chairperson requires further clarification of the hazard from the reporter, the
NSRS contractor will contact the reporter and provide the clarified information to
the NSRS Chairperson. Again, at no time will your identity be shared with NASA.

When the NSRS Chairperson and the Director of Safety and Mission Assurance
at NASA Headquarters agree with the corrective action taken in response to the
hazard, the report will be considered closed.

How can I contact the NSRS Program?
  For more information on the NSRS, please contact:

NSRS Coordinator
Futron Corporation
7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 900 West
Bethesda, MD 20814

Note: Please use the above mailing address ONLY for inquiries about the NSRS program. DO NOT use this address to submit NSRS reports - NSRS reports should be mailed to:

NASA Safety Reporting System
PO Box 5826
Bethesda MD 20824-9913

Click here for a printable text only version of the above info.

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This page was last updated on January 16, 2008
Responsible NASA office
/Office of Safety and Mission Assurance / NASA Headquarters