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U.S. Uranium Production Facilities
Release Date: January 11, 2005
Next Release: December 2005

U.S. Uranium Production Facilities: Operating History and Remediation Cost Under Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project as of 2000


This report provides information for 26 former uranium-ore processing sites and a brief history of the production of uranium for sale to the Federal Government under the early 1940s through 1970 procurement programs. Contamination at the mill sites resulted from the chemical processing of ore to produce uranium concentrate. Mill tailings that contain radioactive residues and other hazardous materials were typically stored at the sites in surface piles impounded by earthen embankments. At some sites after the mill was closed, tailings pile stabilization efforts proved to be ineffective, and tailings material was subsequently spread by wind and water erosion onto adjacent lands. The removal and use of mill tailings as construction material also resulted in local surface contamination.

The Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Control Act (UMTRCA) of 1978 (Public Law 95-604) established authority for the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project. The U.S. Department of Energy was directed to cleanup 22 uranium mill tailings sites and the associated vicinity properties contaminated by tailings debris to prevent public exposure to radiation. Public Law 97-415 in 1983 amended the UMTRCA legislation to add the cleanup of vicinity properties in the Edgemont, South Dakota, area. (See Background Information.)

For each site covered in this report, a general history is provided of the uranium processing operation. A brief description is given of the surface cleanup activities, remediation responsibility, post cleanup site stewardship, disposal of radioactively contaminated materials, and approach to groundwater cleanup under the UMTRA Project. A table for each former processing site provides information relating to its years of operation, uranium production, size of area remediated, disposal cell level of radioactivity, and UMTRA Project final cost. A summary table permits a comparison of the surface cleanup project in terms of the average cost: 1) per unit of historical uranium production; 2) per unit of radioactively contaminated material stabilized in the disposal cell; and 3) per unit of radiation avoided by the remediation project for each site. The location of each former uranium-processing site covered in the report is shown on a state map.1

   1 The state-level base maps in this report are used with permission of the Office of Long-Term Stewardship, Office of Science and Technology, under the Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy. The locations of the former uranium processing sites and their names as shown in the individual state maps were added by the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration based on historical data.

Former Uranium Processing Sites

Next Release: October 2005

To view mill site pages, click on the mill name on the map
or on the links below the map.

Title 1 mills plotted on a map of the United States. Text links to the individual mill write-ups are below. Having trouble? Call 202 586-8800 for help. Link to Tuba City Mill write-up Link to Monument Valley write-up Link to Ambrosia Lake write-up Link to Shiprock Mill write-up Link to Durango Mill write-up Link to Slick Rock write-up Link to Gunnison write-up Link to Grand Junction write-up Link to Maybell Heap write-up Link to Falls City write-up Link to Mexican Hat write-up Link to Green River write-up Link to Salt Lake City write-up Link to Lakeview write-up Link to Rifle write-up Link to Naturita write-up Link to Lowman write-up Link to Riverton write-up Link to Spook Leaching write-up Link to Edgemont write-up Link to Belfield write-up Link to Bowman write-up Link to Canonsburg write-up

Ambrosia Lake Belfield Burrell
Bowman Canonsburg Durango
Edgemont Falls City Grand Junction
Green River Gunnison Lakeview
Lowman Maybell Mexican Hat
Monument Valley Naturita Rifle
Riverton Salt Lake City Shiprock
Slick Rock Spook* Tuba City
White Canyon    

Title 1 Uranium Mills Summary Table: Tailings, Uranium Production, and Decommissioning Costs as of 2000



*Information as of August 16, 2001.

This report was prepared by the staff of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information Team; Coal, Nuclear, and Renewables Division; Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels.

Questions and comments about the information contained in the report may be addressed to the report's authors, who are identified below:
