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Lowman Mill and Disposal Site

Lowman Mill and Disposal Site
Boise County, Idaho

Years of Operation Status of Mill
or Plant Site
Uranium Ore
(Million Short Tons)
(Million Pounds U3O8)
1956-1960 Decommissioned 200 0.37
Mill/Plant Area
Disposal Cell
Disposal Cell
(Million Cubic Yards)
Disposal Cell
Total Radioactivity
(Ci, 226Ra)
Disposal Cell
Average Tailings
(pCi/g, 226Ra)
UMTRA Project
Final Cost
(Million Dollars)
37 8 0.13 12 157 18.43
   Notes:  Notes: Uranium Ore Processing and Production are estimated based on historical data. About 200,000 tons of dredge product was processed to recover black-sand concentrate composed of grains of uranium, thorium, and rare-earth minerals. Radioactivity from radium-226 in the stabilized mill tailings is stated as total curies (Ci) and as average picocuries per gram (pCi/g) of tailings. A picocurie is 0.037 radioactive disintegrations per second. Radium-226 (1620 year half-life) is a decay product in the uranium-238 series. It undergoes radioactive decay to produce radon-222, which is a noble gas, an alpha emitter, and the longest-lived isotope of radon (half-life of 3.8 days).

Map of Idaho showing the location of the Lowman Processing Facility. Having trouble? Call 202 586-8800 for help.

Location:   The Lowman mill site is in north-central Boise County, Idaho, about 73 miles northeast of the City of Boise. It is in the Boise National Forest one-half mile northeast of the village of Lowman (on State Road 21).

Background:   The Idaho batholith igneous complex extends about 300 miles N-S by 50 to 100 miles E-W in southwestern Idaho. It is comprised mainly of large intrusive bodies of medium to coarse-grained granite, quartz monzonite, and granodiorite. Pegmatite dikes are common in the granites. In this terrain, stream gravels and higher bench gravels contain placer deposits composed primarily of resistant, heavy-mineral grains (black sand) that were released from the batholithic rocks by weathering (decomposition and erosion). Placer deposits that formed in valleys that drain weathered quartz-monzonite outcrops contain a higher percentage of thorium-bearing minerals. These placers were mined for monazite (a thorium-bearing mineral) in the period 1903-1910 and again in the late 1940s. The thoria content of Idaho monazite is reported to be somewhat lower than other available commercial monazite concentrate. In the Bear Valley drainage of southern Valley County, Idaho, some placers contain monazite along with uranium-bearing mineral grain. These placers were mined for uranium, thorium, and rare earths from 1955 to1960. Common heavy mineral grains in the placers are ilmenite, magnetite, and garnet with lesser amounts of the uranium- and rare-earth minerals columbite, euxenite, and monazite and minor amounts of other opaque, radioactive, rare-earth minerals. The valley-fill sequence that contains these placer deposits consists of several layers of fine to coarse sand, clay, and gravel. The sequence averages less than 50 feet in thickness, though thicknesses of up to about 100 feet are reported.

The extent of the radioactive heavy-mineral placer deposits in Bear Valley was studied in a Government sponsored drilled program in the 1950s. The results indicated that while the placer deposits contain substantial tonnages of the uranium-bearing minerals, the mineral content of the placer deposits varies strongly and some contain relatively low amounts of uranium-bearing mineral grains. Most of the Bear Valley placer deposits sampled were found to contain generally low amounts of residual euxenite grains, making most non-commercial at that time.

At one locality in upper Bear Valley in the late 1950s, placers that contained euxenite as the predominant radioactive mineral were mined for uranium, rare earths, and associated heavy-mineral products. The mining operations consisted of dredging and jigging the raw placer material to wash and mechanically separate out the valued heavy-mineral black-sand fraction. About 8,500 cubic yards of stream gravels per day were recovered using two dredges. The amount of black-sand concentrate recovered per cubic yard of dredged raw gravel ranged between 45 to 140 pounds. The black-sand jig concentrate was transported to the Lowman mill site for further upgrading.

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Porter Brothers entered into a contract for the purchase of uranium recovered from chemical processing of columbite-euxenite concentrate from the Lowman mill. The contract period was from March 1955 through June 1960, and the first delivery of U3O8 to the AEC occurred in August 1956. A total of 365,231 pounds U3O8 were purchased under the AEC contract. The Lowman mill was operated by the Porter Brother Corporation from 1956 to 1960. The milling process consisted of wet and dry circuits with mechanical classifiers, electromagnetic and electrostatic separators, and wet and dry tables to separate the various valued mineral products. The electrostatic/electromagnetic separation process was only partially effective in separating the desired mineral grains, and some of the valued mineral material was lost in the mill tailings. On average, about one-half pound of euxenite mineral grains was recovered per cubic yard of gravel material that was dredged. The DOE estimated that about 200,000 tons of black-sand concentrate were processed at the Lowman mill site for recovery of columbite-euxenite and monazite plus the byproduct minerals magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, and garnet.

Porter Brothers shipped the uranium-bearing mill products to the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works at Hematite, Missouri, for chemical treatment under a toll arrangement. At the Hematite facility, niobium and tantalum pentoxide, U3O8, rare earths, titanium, and thorium-iron residues were recovered. All of the U3O8 produced by Mallinckrodt was purchased by the AEC under its contract with Porter Brothers, and the niobium pentoxide and tantalum pentoxide were sold to the General Services Administration.

The mill was dismantled soon after it ceased operations. The mill buildings were removed from the site, though several support structures and small buildings remained. In the early 1980s, about 90,000 tons of tailings from the upgrading operations and about 5,000 tons of unprocessed jig concentrate residues remained at the site. An unknown amount of mill residues was removed from the mill site prior to the late 1970s and used as construction fill at several commercial sites and in flood-control sand bags.

UMTRA Surface Remediation:   The processing of uranium and thorium ore materials resulted in contamination of the 37-acre Lowman mill site with sand material containing uranium, radium, and thorium. The contaminated areas had been used for mill buildings, processing equipment, ore storage, and evaporation ponds areas. Radioactive black-sand materials composed of resistate mineral grains with low natural leaching characteristics and process residues were stored in 10 piles that covered about five acres of the mill site. In 1992, the Department of Energy (DOE) consolidated the piles of radioactive materials along with radioactively contaminated soils and materials recovered from 38 vicinity properties onto the on-site tailings pile remaining at the mill site.

Disposal Area:   The Lowman Disposal Cell was constructed in 1992 on the mill site property. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensed the cell in October 1994. About 129,400 cubic yards of radioactively contaminated materials, including demolished building foundations and process structures, settling pond residues, and some 28,000 cubic yards of vicinity-property materials were stabilized in the disposal cell. These materials were compacted and covered with an engineered cap system that meets Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for longevity, radon emanation control, and groundwater protection. The built-up cap consists of a 1.5-foot thick layer of compacted clay soil that serves as the main barrier against emission of radon from the cell and infiltration of rainwater into the cell. A 6-inch thick layer of sand and gravel covers the barrier and serves as the bedding layer for the overlying erosion-resistant cover. A 12-inch thick layer of crushed basalt riprap material covering the top and side slopes provides protection from erosion by wind and surface water. A rock apron around the cell directs rainwater away from the cell structure and provides further erosion control. In 1998, DOE constructed a water diversion system north of the disposal cell.

Responsibility for Remediation:   U.S. Department of Energy, 90 percent; State of Idaho, 10 percent.

Stewardship:  The former Lowman mill site and disposal cell are being managed under the DOE’s Long-Term Surveillance and Monitoring (LTSM) Program in accordance with the approved site specific plans. DOE assures the integrity of the disposal cell site through annual inspections and by performing maintenance as necessary. The Lowman site is not fenced, though a locked gate across the entrance road restricts vehicular traffic.

Groundwater Program:   A survey of the groundwater on the Lowman mill site property in 1994 found no contamination of groundwater. A groundwater remediation program is not planned, as the ground water is in compliance with applicable water quality standards. To demonstrate structural integrity of the cell, the DOE has conducted monitoring of the groundwater via the site’s six monitoring wells and one surface-water monitoring station since the disposal cell was completed in 1994. Such monitoring will be continued indefinitely or until the surface water infiltration control for the disposal cell is demonstrated.

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