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National Food Safety Education Month. September 2002.
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Chill: Food in a covered is shown dish being put in the refrigerator.
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Fight BAC!® Secret Code Puzzle

This is BAC for bacteria. He is an invisible bad guy that can make you real sick. The more you learn about him . . . the easier it will be to keep him away. Use the BAC!®-detector code to uncover his secrets!

BAC! Detector Code

Decipher the Code:

1. BAC is like a funny joke. He loves to be passed along! YOU can stop him in his tracks if you...

Code Line 1 graphic

2. BAC loves to travel! A cutting board is like his very own bus stop. YOU can keep him from moving around if you...

Code Line 2 graphic

3. Do you like chilly weather? BAC sure doesn't! YOU can give BAC the cold shoulder if you...

Code Line 3 graphic

4. A food thermometer can be BAC's worst enemy! YOU can keep him away by using one to...

Code Line 4 graphic

Unlock the Four Messages:

Good job! You've gotten the inside scoop on how to Fight BAC!®

Now, take the secret letters that are marked 1 to 22 above, and place them in the numbered spots below. These are the four things you and your family can do to make sure BAC doesn't try to visit YOUR home!

Secret Code Answer graphic

Way to go! BAC is no match for you now! 

* Distributed May 2002 for use in September 2002 as part of the International Food Safety Council's National Food Safety Education Month.


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