Thumbnail Tours

Our Thumbnail Tours allow website visitors from around the world to take virtual tours of important Civil War sites!

These informative virtual journeys were photographed during educational tours led by Civil War scholars as part of adult educational programming offered by The Smithsonian Associates. If you live in the Washington, D.C. area you can attend these local Civil War tours and lectures live and receive 25% off the price of most tickets when you become a Smithsonian Resident Associates member.

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Thumbnail Tours with Ed Bearss

John Wilkes Booth Escape Route
with Ed Bearss
The largest manhunt up to that time, the 1865 search for Abraham Lincoln's assassin lasted two weeks. How did John Wilkes Booth and his accomplice, Davy Herold, elude local and military search parties? We learned who helped them and why by following Ed Bearss through the dark streets of Washington, the backwoods of Maryland, and the watery shores of eastern Virginia.

Fort Delaware and Pea Patch Island
with Ed Bearss

Pierre L'Enfant recognized this site as strategically significant and recommended that a fort be built on Pea Patch Island to defend the cities of Philadelphia and New York.  Several forts have been located here since 1819.  This concrete and brick version was finished in 1859, two years before the Civil War.

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