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List of current REC projects at

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Cross-border Projects
Carpathian Convention

European Union Accession
* Extension of the REC's activities to Turkey
* REAP: Regional Environmental Accession Project (Archived)
* LEAP: Local Environmental Action Programme (Archived)
* City Towards EU Compliance Award (Archived)
* Training for Local / Regional Authorities on Environmental Investment Planning for EU Accession (Archived)
Applicant Countries' Contribution to the 6th EU Environmental Action Programme (Archived)

South Eastern Europe
* ECENA: Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession
AIMS: Support for Acceptance and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in South Eastern Europe
Development of National Environmental Information Systems in South Eastern Europe (Archived)
REReP: Assistance in Environmental Law drafting in South Eastern Europe
* REReP: The Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe
* Directory of REReP projects
* Balkan Bytes: Environmental NGOs and Electronic Networking in South Eastern Europe (Archived)
Transboundary Cooperation Through the Management of Shared Natural Resources (Archived)
BERCEN: Balkan Environmental Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Network
* Balkan Information Service (Archived)
* Connecting Networks (Archived)
* SECTOR: Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organisations in South Eastern Europe
* Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-innovation in SEE

Access to Information
* Capacity Building for Cleaning up Pollution Hot Spots of the Danube River Basin
* Green Pack: A multi-media educational resource pack for schoolchildren
Media Information Service
* Sofia Initiatives
Information Society Technologies (Archived)
* Sustainable Cities: Environmentally sustainable
urban development
Building Environmental Citizenship to Support Transboundary Pollution Reduction in the Danube: A Pilot Project in Hungary and Slovenia

Joint (non-REC) Web Sites

* CURACAO - Co-ordination of Urban RoAd-user ChArging Organisational issues), which aims to coordinate research and monitor the results of the implementation of road user charging as a demand management tool in urban areas.
* SPUTNIC – Strategies for Public Transport in Cities, which focuses on local and regional public transport (PT) with special attention to the PT related challenges in the New and future Member States of the European Union.
* Clean Fuels end Vehicles in South Eastern Europe
* Adriatic Sea Partnership
* CABRI-Volga, institutional cooperation for risk management in the Volga river basin
Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative
The Course for Sustainability
* Capacity Building for Improving the Quality of Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Europe/CIS Region) (Archived)
Integrated Sustainable Development in the Tisza River Basin (Archived)
Ecolinks Best Practices (Archived)
Capacity for Climate Protection (Archived)
* Healthier Environment through the Abatement of
Vehicle Emissions and Noise
The Electronic Tools Task Force (Archived)

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