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University & College Agroecology Programs
Other Institutions and Organizations
Pest and Disease Management
Crop Genetic Diversity
Sources of Funding
Career Opportunities

university and college agroecology programs


Central Carolina Community College
    Sustainable agriculture

Evergreen State College
    Ecological agriculture/Sustainable agriculture program.

Iowa State University
    Agroecology, Leopold Center for Sustainable Development

Montana State University
    Agroecology, weed ecology

Pennsylvania State University
    Agroecology program

Prescott College
    Wolfberry Farm. An experimental agroecology farm.

University of California, Berkeley
    Agroecology research, training and development activities

University of California, Davis
    Agroecology Group

University of California, Santa Cruz
    Agroecology research and education, apprenticeship program

University of Hawaii
    Agroecology, environmental quality

University of Minnesota's Southwest Experiment Station
    Elwell agroecology farm, cropping systems research, water quality research

University of Vermont
    Provide undergraduate students with rigorous, experience-based programs in both Sustainable Landscape Horticulture and     Ecological Agriculture. Training for professionals in M.S. and Ph.D. programs for careers in the disciplines of soils,     entomology, horticulture, agroecology, and plant pathology.

University of Wyoming
    Agroecology program for undergraduates



La Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
     National Autonomous University of Mexico's Chapingo campus. Undergraduate agroecology program.

Nordic School of Agroecology/Ecological Agriculture

University of Copenhagen
     Emphasis is on sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection in plant production.

Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
     Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) dedicated to sustainable rural development and           poverty reduction in tropical America.

University of Cordoba, Spain
     Programs in agroecology and ecological agriculture.

La Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
     Undergraduate agroecology program. Also offers El Programa de Manejo y Conservación de Recursos Naturales                Tropicales (PROTROPICO), a master's program focusing on sustainable natural  resource management for rural                communities.


other institutions and organizations

The Food Project
   The goal of the Food Project is to develop sustainable, local food systems that bridge race, class, age, and more to ensure    food security for all. 

The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
    A research and education group at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Operates a training and research farm.

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
    A non-profit, non-governmental organization supported by CGIAR. This link leads to a webpage on environmental and     sustainability indicators.

Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems (SAFS)
    Collaborative effort between UC researchers and farmers comparing the dynamics of conventional and organic farms.

Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
    Communications outreach arm of Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE).  Produce information on               sustainable farming practices, principles and systems.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
     U.S. Department of Agriculture funded project that administers competitive grants for sustainable agriculture research and      education.

University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP)
    Publications, news releases/media, courses, workshops, events, crop and livestock production information, competitive          grants, and biologically integrated farming systems.

Sustainable Harvest International
    Projects in over thirty rural communities in Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama help people raise their standard of         living by restoring the natural environment by providing technical and material support to farmers and local organizations         that want to implement sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, reforestation and other appropriate technologies.

    The worldwide umbrella organization of the organic agriculture movement, with about 639 member organisations and     institutions in some 101 countries all over the world.

Organic Agriculture at FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
    Offers information on organic agriculture available at FAO. The site also functions as a "road map" whereby users are     directed to other relevant websites.

The Farm School
    A nonprofit educational farm in Western Massachusetts to promote farming through educational programs for school     children and through a year-long practical training program for adults.

Sustainable Farming Connection
    Managed by former staff members of The New Farm magazine, this site will help you tame costs, add value to what you     sell and keep you informed of the latest news from the sustainable farming community.

ATTRA- Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
    University programs and contacts, sustainable agriculture.

Eldis Agriculture Guide
    Links for international agriculture and development.

Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)
    California based organization promoting family-scale farming that is environmentally sound and sustains local economies.

The International WWOOF Association (World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)
    Helping those who would like to volunteer on organic farms internationally.

Trees for the Future (TFTF)
    A non-profit organization to initiate and support agroforestry self-help projects in developing countries.

Cedar Meadow Farm
    The Groff family farm, progressive farmer/experimenters in Pennsylvania, USA. Includes details of no-till vegetable     production and other sustainable cropping systems.

Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA)
    Provides educational and business opportunities for farm workers and aspiring farmers to grow and sell crops grown on     two organic farms in Monterey County, California. Their mission is to advance economic viability, social equity and     ecological land management among limited-resource and aspiring farmers.

Heifer International
    Works to build sustainable communities. One of their global initiatives focuses on agroecology through teaching     environmentally sound agricultural techniques in communities around the world.

The Land Institute
   The Land Institute seeks to develop an agriculture that will save soil from being lost or poisoned while promoting a    community life that is prosperous and enduring.

Food First-- Institute for Food and Development Policy
   The purpose of the Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First - is to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger.

Just Food
   Just Food is a non-profit organization that works to develop a just and sustainable food system in the New York City    region.


pest and disease management

UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project
    University of California Programs for IPM.

Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University
    Integrated Pest Management Resources for Sustainable Agriculture.

The Database of IPM Resources
    A compendium of customized directories of worldwide IPM information resources accessible through the Internet.

Beneficial Insects Links
    A set of links on beneficial insects from Virginia Tech.


crop genetic diversity

Bioversity International
    Bioversity is the world's largest international research organization dedicated solely to the conservation and use of     agricultural biodiversity. It is non-profit and independently operated.

Seed Savers Network
    A website in Australia with resources for saving seeds within communities.

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
    A small family seed company started in 1982 based on heirloom varieties and in seed saving

Native Seeds/SEARCH
    A nonprofit conservation organization that seeks to preserve the crop seeds that connect Native American cultures to their     lands.

Grupo Semillas
    Grupo Semillas is a Colombian non-governmental organization that has been actively promoting environmental issues since     1993. They work with rural, indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities to find ways to strengthen their sustainable     production systems and defend the resources and alimentary sovereignty of their territories.


sources of funding

Organization of American States
    Funding for post-graduate education and professional training courses for citizens of the Americas

Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation
    Supports initiatives that will have direct and measurable results to improve environmental quality.

Annie's Homegrown
    Offers a sustainable agriculture scholarship.

National Science Foundation
    Promotes and advances scientific progress in the United States by competitively awarding grants and cooperative     agreements for research and education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering.

US Department of Agriculture


career opportunities

Organic Research
    A free career service for all those working in organic farming and related fields. Job vacancies are posted in all aspects of     organic and sustainable farming.