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The purpose of the Current Industrial Reports (CIR) program is to provide timely and accurate intercensal estimates of production and shipments of specific manufactured products for economic policy needs and for market analysis, forecasting, and decision making in the private sector. Census Bureau staff and academic researchers with sworn agent status use the LRD for micro data analysis.


The CIR program consists of approximately 47 surveys, including a total of about 40,000 establishments, and covers aproximately one third of the total manufactured products in the U.S. manufacturing sector. Most of the surveys conducted as part of the CIR program are paid for with Census Bureau funds. However, a number of surveys are paid for either fully or partially by other Federal Government agencies or private trade organizations. Title 13 of the United States code authorizes all surveys.


The CIR program provides statistics primarily for production and shipments, but data on inventories, orders, and consumption are collected in a number of surveys. These surveys also measure manufacturing activity in important commodity areas such as textile and apparel, chemicals, primary metals, computer and electronic components, industrial equipment, and consumer goods.


Surveys in the CIR program are conducted on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.


The CIR program uses a unified data collection, processing, and publication system. The Census Bureau updates the survey panels for most reports annually and reconciles the estimates to the results of the broader-based Annual Survey of Manufactures and the Economic Census for the manufacturing sector. Surveys are continually reviewed and modified to provide the most up-to-date information.


Data are available from the Internet through the Census Bureau’s website. Targeted release dates are:
Monthly surveys: 30 to 45 days
Quarterly surveys: 60 to 90 days
Annual Surveys: 6 to 9 months


Bureau of Economic Analysis uses CIR data to prepare quarterly estimates of GNP.

Bureau of Labor Statistics uses CIR data to develop price indexes and estimates of productivity.

Federal Reserve Board uses CIR data to prepare monthly index of industrial production.

International Trade Administration uses CIR data to monitor effect of international trade on domestic production and meet responsibilities under the Trade Act, assess production trends, and forecast future industrial activity.

Private industry uses CIR data to monitor effect of international trade on domestic production, evaluate relationship between company and industry performances, market analyses, assess current business conditions, and plan future operations.


o Economic Census
o Manufacturers' Shipments to Federal Agencies
o Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey
o Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization
o Monthly M3 Survey
o Manufacturing Technology Surveys
o Longitudinal Research Database
o E-Commerce
o Survey of Industrial Research and Development (R&D)
o Fuels and Electric Energy Survey
o Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures Survey



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You are here: Economic Programs Overview -> Manufacturing -> Current Industrial Reports

Last revised: December 15, 2008