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  • Dielectrophoretic Concentration and Separation of Live and Dead Bacteria in an Array of Insulators, Analytical Chemistry, January 2004 [pdf 904 KB]
  • Insulator-based dielectrophoresis for the selective concentration and separation of live bacteria in water, Electrophoresis, 2004 [pdf 764 KB]
  • Tidwell, V.C. and J.R. Brainard, Laboratory Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectometry for Continuous Monitoring of Stream Stage, Channel Profile and Aqueous Conductivity. Submitted to Water Resources Research. Provided experimental descriptions, processed, validated and analyzed experimental data; gave technical advice, and performed technical reviews.
  • Brainard, J.R., V.C. Tidwell, and A.C. Coplen, Monitoring Stream Stage, Sediment Transport, and Salinity With Domain Reflectrometry EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H 12B-0982, 2003.
  • Roberts, Jesse, Boston Harbor Sediment Study (US Army Corps of Engineers New England District), SAND2001-2226.
  • Roberts, Jesse, Laboratory and Numerical Evaluation of Borehole Methods for Subsurface Horizontal Flow Characterization, SAND2003-2068.
  • Roberts, Jesse, Rio Grande Erosion Potential Demonstration Report for the National Border Technology Partnership Program, SAND2001-3611.
  • Roberts, Jesse, Sediment Erosion and Transport at the Rio Grande Mouth, (Report for the National Border Technology Program and International Boundary/Water Commmission), SAND2003-4028.
  • Roberts, Jesse, Separations of Bedload and Suspended Load with Modified High Shear Stress Flume, SAND2001-2162.
  • Roberts, Jesse, The SEAWOLF Flume: Sediment Erosion Actuated by Wave Oscillations and Linear Flow, SAND2002-0100.
  • Tidwell, V.C. and J.R. Brainard, Laboratory Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectometry for Continuous Monitoring of Stream Stage, Channel Profile and Aqueous Conductivity. Submitted to Water Resources Research. Provided experimental descriptions, processed, validated and analyzed experimental data; gave technical advice, and performed technical reviews.
Water Infrastructure Security [ NEXT | PREVIOUS | Top of Page ]
  • Finley, R.E., Drinking Water System Vulnerability Assessment Training Program, American Water Resources Association National Water Policy Dialogue, Washington, DC, September 17-18, 2002, SAND2002-3020P.
  • Finley, R.E., Drinking Water System Vulnerability Assessments, American Water Works Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 18, 2002, SAND2002-1752P.
  • Finley, R.E., Estimating Risks to Drinking Water Systems: The Next Steps, Joint Rutgers/EPA Conference, Newark, NJ, December 11, 2002, SAND2002-4115P.
  • Berry, Jonathan, L.K. Fleischer, W.E. Hart, C.A. Phillips, Sensor placement in municipal water networks, World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia, June23-26, 2004, SAND2003-0918C.
  • Berry, Jonathan, W.E. Hart, C.A. Phillips, J. Uber, A General Integer-Programming-Based Framework for Sensor Placement in Municipal Water Networks, Symposium on Water Distributions Analysis, March 16, 2004, SAND5220722.
  • Carr, R.D., H.J. Greenberg, W.E. Hart, C.A. Phillips, Addressing Modeling Uncertainties in Sensor Placement for Community Water Systems, Symposium on Water Distribution Systems Analysis, Salt Lake City, June 27-July1, 2004, SAND2004-1027C.
  • Danneels, J.J., Terrorism: Are America¹s Water Resources and Environment at Risk, United States House of Representatives and Subcommittees, October 10, 2001.
  • Danneels, J.J., H.R. 3178 and the Development of Anti-Terrorism Tools for Water Infrastructure, United States House of Representatives and Subcommittees, November 14, 2001.
  • Laird, C.D., L. T. Biegler, B.G. van Bloemen Waanders, R.A. Bartlett, Time Dependent Contamination Source Determination for Municipal Water Networks using Large Scale Optimization, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2004.
  • Laird, C.D., L.T. Biegler, B.G. van Bloemen Waanders, R.A. Bartlett, Time Dependent Contamination Source Determination: A Network Subdomain Approach for Very Large Networks, World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2004, Salt Lake City.
  • Mckenna, S.A., S. Buchberger, V.C. Tidwell, 2003, Examining the Effects of Variability in Short Time Scale Demands on Solute Transport, in proceedings of: ASCE 2003 World Water and Environmental Resource Congress, June 22-26, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2004.
  • McKenna, S.A., C. *Peyton, L. Yarrington, S.G. Buchberger and R.L. Bilisoly, 2004, Modeling Solute Transport Distribution Networks with Variable Demand and Time Step Sized, in proceedings of: American Society of Civil Engineers Annual EWRI meeting, Salt Lake City, June 27th-July 1st.
  • Tidwell, V.C., J.A. Cooper, C.J. Silva and S. Jurado, Threat assessment of water supply systems using Markov Latent Effects modeling, in proceedings paper for ASCE World Water & Environment Congress, Salt Lake City, June 28-July 1, 2004.
  • Van Bloemen Waanders, B.G., Application of Optimization Methods to Calibration of Water Distribution System, World Water & Environmental Resources Congress Salt Lake City, 2004.
  • Van Bloemen Waanders, B.G., R.A. Bartlett, L.T. Biegler, C. D. Laird, Nonlinear Programming Strategies for Source Detection of Municipal Water Networks, EWRI World Water and Environmental Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 23-26, 2003.
  • Watson, Jean-Paul, H. Greenberg, W.E. Hart, A multiple-objective analysis of sensor placement optimization in water networks, World Water and Environment Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, June 22-July 1, 2004, SAND2004-0936C.
Water Systems and Decision Modeling [ PREVIOUS | Top of Page ]
  • Cooperative Water Resources Modeling in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, SAND2003-3653, December 2003 [pdf 784 KB]
  • Cockerill, K., V.C. Tidwell, and H.D. Passell, Assessing public perceptions of computer-based models, Environmental Management, in press, 2004.
  • Passell, H.D. and V.C. Tidwell, and E. Webb, 2002, Cooperative modeling; an approach for community-based water resource management, Southwest Hydrology 1(4):26.
  • Passell, H.D., and V.C. Tidwell, "Water by Numbers" - a review of SNL's Middle Rio Grande water modeling project, September 4, 2002, The Albuquerque Tribune.
  • Passell, H.D., and V.C. Tidwell, 2003. Cooperative Water Resource Modeling in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, SAND 2003-0636, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Tidwell, V.C. H.D. Passell, S.H. Conrad, and R.P. Thomas, System dynamics modeling for community-based water planning: An application to the Middle Rio Grande, Journal of Aquatic Sciences, in press, 2004.
  • Tidwell, V.C., A.M. Michelsen, J. Aparicio, and H.D. Passell, The Rio Grande/Rio Bravo ­ A river of change, Water Resources IMPACT, Journal of the AWRA, 6 (3), 14-17, May 2004.
  • Roberts, J.D., R.A. Jepsen, and S.C. James, Measurement of sediment erosion and transport with the ASSET Flume, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 29(11), 862-871, 2003 (listed as in press on 2003 PMF).
  • Roberts, J.D., S.C. James, and D.M. Chapin, Modeling available minnow habitat as a function of river discharge for the Pecos River (poster), New Mexico Symposium on Hydrologic Modeling, P-27, 2003.
  • Roberts, J.D. and S.C. James, Pecos River water management project, EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H42E-1129, 2003, (also listed under SAND 2003-3517A).
  • Roberts, J.D. and S.C. James, Modeling habitat availability as a function of flow rate for the Pecos River, Part I: Depth and velocity availability (poster), Identifying Technologies to Improve Regional Water Stewardship, 2004.
  • Roberts, J.D., S.C James, and R.A. Jepsen, Modeling habitat availability as a function of flow rate for the Pecos river Part I: Depth and velocity availability, Identifying Technologies to Improve Regional, Water Stewardship, Albuquerque, NM, 2004.
  • Robert, J.D., S.C. James, and D.A. Chace, Water salvage, erosion, and bank stability in relation to tamarisk eradication (poster), Team Tamarisk Conference, 2004.
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