Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Course Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I use this course?
We recommend that you first go through the entire course by starting with the Social Marketing Basics module and moving through each of the modules that describe the six phases in the planning process. After you have done so, you may use the course as a resource to help you through certain parts of the planning process when you get to them in your own planning. Once you begin a module, you may move between pages by using the "next" and "previous" buttons at the bottom right-hand corner. Or, if you are looking for a specific section, use the links provided in the each module’s contents page.

How long will it take me to complete the course?
Each module is different. At the beginning of each module, we let you know an average amount of time needed to complete the module. Average times were identified during pilot-testing and may or may not accurately reflect the time you will need. However, they can serve as a general guide. We don’t recommend that you try to complete all modules at one time.

How does this course relate to CDCynergy: Social Marketing Edition and the Obesity Prevention Coordinators’ Guidebook?
Both CDCynergy and the "guidebook" are designed to walk you through planning your own social marketing program or intervention. This training was developed as a precursor to those two resources to teach you about the entire social marketing planning process before you start your own planning process. We suggest that you go through this training before starting to plan your own program, and then use both CDCynergy and the guidebook to assist you. Also, you may want to refer back to this training for information on specific portions of the process when you get to them.

For more information on how to obtain either CDCynergy: Social Marketing Edition or the Obesity Prevention Coordinators’ Social Marketing Guidebook, see the Resources section.