Service-Learning for Faculty

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Why Service-Learning?

“Service-Learning is an educational methodology which combines community service with explicit academic learning objectives, preparation for community work, and deliberate reflection. Students participating in Service-Learning provide direct and indirect community service as part of their academic coursework, learn about and reflect upon the community context in which service is provided, and develop an understanding of the connection between service and their academic work. These learning experiences are designed through a collaboration of the community and the institution or academic unit/program, relying upon partnerships meant to be of mutual benefit. Improvement and sustainability of the experiences and the partnerships are enhanced through formal assessment activities that involve community, faculty, student and institutional perspectives.”

Source: Gelmon, Sherrill B., Holland, Barbara A., Driscoll, Amy, Spring, Amy, & Kerrigan, Seanna (2001). Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement: Principles and Techniques. Campus Connect: Brown University, Providence, RI., p. v.


Purdue University has recognized the positive impact that can be made by Service-Learning, therefore, the scholarly activities of Service-Learning are strongly encouraged by the administration to be included for the review, promotion, and tenure of faculty members. For more resources regarding this issue, visit following websites:

Several opportunities exist to present and publish Service-Learning scholarship overarch areas of experiential learning, research in higher education, and community service. There are more than 50 scholarly journals that invite Service-Learning related publications. Organizations that sponsor and promote Service-Learning scholarship include:

Purdue’s Service-Learning Projects

How to Design Service-Learning Courses

The Service Engagement Advisory Board and Center for Instructional Excellence has prepared a workbook for faculty members who are interested in designing and developing Service-Learning projects. Topics include: