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Cranberries have been long overlooked by home gardeners and landscapers. Cranberries are not an aquatic plant - they do better under overhead irrigation than in flood bogs. "Significant crop yield increase paralleled the adoption of sprinkler irrigation...in the 1960s and early 1970s."(page 288-89 acta Hort 346 1993)

We feel the cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon has great potential in the garden and in pot culture. A well arranged patio pot with cranberry vines growing down the side of the planter would be a real hit with home owners. "The North American Cranberry is a perennial evergreen, low growing plant which spreads by slender horizontal stems (runners) 0.8 to more than 2.0 meters in length. Along the upper side of the runner, short vertical shoots called uprights, up to 10 cm. in length, grow from axillary buds...More than half of the upright shoots may be biennial in fruiting in any growing season. Annual growth (5 to 10 cm.) from the terminal bud of the upright after several seasons ultimately cause the upright to sag with only the terminal portion remaining vertical" (page 285 acta Hort 346 1993) Flowers and fruit occur on these uprights.

Cranberries can be used anywhere a delicate spreading ground cover is desired in Western Oregon and Washington. Around rock garden, pond or mulched flower bed, the trailing habit can be utilized to cascade down rock walls etc. Wonderful juice drinks can be concocted utilizing cranberries with other fruits in the garden. Ocean Spray has put the cranberry in the American Public's face. How can the gardeners resist taking the actual plant home to pamper and enjoy?

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