Catalog of Beneficials


Caterpillar (Moth) & Grub (Beetle) Control

Bracon hebetor

Cotesia plutellae

Geocoris punctipes

Goniozus legneri

Podisus maculiventris

Trichogramma Wasps

Pediobius foveolatus


Also see

Lacewing and ladybugs, general predators

Sc nematodes parasites on caterpillars and Hb, Hi, Hm for grubs

Botanigard/Mycotrol fungal pathogen of soft bodied insects

Monterey Garden Insect Spray - Spinosad - for caterpillars, thrips, leaf feeding beetles

Bt bacterial pathogen of caterpillars

Neem oil, botanical antifeedant

Hot Pepper Wax, Hot Sauce, garlic, antifeedants, repellents

CideTrak feeding attractant for cucumber beetle (corn root worm) --not registered in CA


Bracon hebetor

Caterpillar Parasite

parasitic wasp, larval parasite

caterpillars, moth larvae   BR1 50/bottle 32.00
Cotesia plutellae

Diamondback Parasite

parasitic wasp

diamondback moth   PLUTE1 100/bottle 39.00
2+ bottles 28.00 ea
5+ bottles 19.00 ea
10+ bottles 17.00 ea
Goniozus legneri

Navel Orangeworm Parasite

parasitic wasp

navel orangeworm, carob moth 1K/acre

1 yr I, 2-3 X

GO1 5+ units (min) 32.00
20+ units 28.00ea
50+ units 25.00 ea
Pentalitomastix plethoricus

Navel Orangeworm Parasite

not available 2006

navel orangeworm, pink bollworm, codling moth, other moths 1K/acre

1 mo I,

2-3 X

PENTA 10+ capsule 6.50 ea
20+ capsules 5.30 ea
40+ capsules 4.60 ea
Podisus maculiventris

Spiny Soldier Bug

predatory bug



caterpillars, beetle grubs, MX bean beetle, CO potato beetle, hornworm, cabbage looper, webworm, armyworm, distribute in crop to min cannibalism




PODEGG 250/bottle 58.00
2+ bottles 47.00 ea
5+ bottles 39.00 ea
10+ bottles 36.50ea

Parasitic Wasps To Kill Moth Eggs

Available on RVI cards or loose. Our perforated and punched card with 30 release units was designed by Jan Dietrick to improve Trichogramma production and release. Each unit or tab has a built-in hook that fits over a quarter-inch stem. We make our cards from black card stock to optimize emergence. Cut it into 30 hangable tabs and hang tabs on or near plants, vines or trees.

Discounts for advance production agreements:

  • 2% discount with 12-week advance deposit of $1,000
  • 4% discount with 12-week advance deposit of $3,000

We contract with researchers and grower groups to produce the Trichogramma species and strains recovered in pest moth eggs on local farms and will train and equip local biocontrol technicians to grow local strains.

Trichogramma is a very minute wasp that lays its egg in the eggs of moths. To use them effectively, you put them out when you see the first flight of moths whose caterpillars cause damage to plants.

The County Ag Commissioner or University extension agent can tell you the usual time of moth flight. Monitor during that time period with simple light traps, pheromone traps, or other methods to detect when moths are flying before they start laying eggs. This is when to call to arrange Trichogramma shipments. Continue to release Trichogramma until the adult moth counts decline. You may have a local Pest Control Advisor who has developed labor-saving techniques, such as ATV-mounted blowers or aerial release on local crops. Ask us for referrals.

Rate/Freq: (good timing, higher frequency during moth flight, more important factors than wasp numbers) Use generally ΒΌ card to 2 cards per acre weekly during moth flights, increasing with moth trap counts. For corn and tomatoes, use 1/10 card per acre per week. Part of your Trichogramma order can be packed cold so you can store for release every 3 or 4 days over a 2-week period.



Trichogramma pretiosum


row crops, vineyards TP1 see



Trichogramma brassicae

not available

European cabbage butterfly, cutworm, corn earworm, European cornborer, cabbage looper, armyworm TBR1

Trichogramma platneri

not available

expect availability 04-08

orchards, more common West of Rockies TPL1

Trichogramma minutum

not available

trees, bogs,more common East coast TM1






Trichogramma spp.

all species same price

100K parasitized eggs/card

card 35.00 100,000 loose 33.00
2+ cards 22.50ea 2+ units 21.50ea
5+ cards 15.50ea 5+ units 14.40ea
10+ cards 13.20ea 10+ units 12.50ea
40+ cards 10.80ea 40+ units 8.90ea
80+ cards 10.80.ea 80+ units 9.50ea

Trichogramma Card Cut it into 30 hangable tabs, and hang tabs on or near plants to be protected.

Each unit or tab has a built-in hook that fits over a quarter-inch stem. We make our cards from black card stock to optimize emergence


Schedules 4+ shipments   8+ shipments 100K Loose





Trichogramma all species same price


10 wk advance notice needed to plan production

card or 100K loose 26.50   20.00 16.50
2+ cards 17.00 ea   15.00.ea 16.50ea
5+ cards 13.00 ea   12.50.ea 16.50ea
10+ cards 11.30 ea   11.00.ea 16.50ea
20+ cards 10.80.ea   10.50.ea


40+ cards 10.50.ea   10.30.ea 9.80


Beetle Grub Parasites

Pediobius foveolatus

parasitic wasp

6 mummies=1 unit=120+wasp

does not overwinter

Mexican bean beetle larvae, timing critical, lavae must be present unit/400 ft2 , 100/acre PED100 6/unit 36.00
2+ units 25.00ea
5+ units 17.00ea
10+ units 14.50ea

20 mummies/


2+ units 29.00
5+ units 21.50
10+ units 18.90
PEDA1K 1000 adults/bottle 56.25
2+ units 45.50
5+ units 37.70
10+ units 35.10

and Sc nematodes parasites on caterpillars and Hb, Hi, Hm for grubs



Aphid Biocontrol

Mealybug, Scale and Whitefly Biocontrol

Mite and Thrips Biocontrol

Caterpillar (Moth) Biocontrol

Fly Control

Leafminer and etc Biocontrol

Trichogramma bulletin

Trichogramma release techniques

Trichogramma species