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Certified organic farmers use no rBGH, grow no GE food, use antibiotics only when animals are sick, and use limited amounts of organic pesticides. These practices reduce the potential for food safety problems.


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Your guide to sustainable food and farming links on the World Wide Web. Here you'll find a large list of links to sites related to food and farming issues. Choose a category below to see links on a particular topic.

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  • About Environment - Farming
  • Acres USA
  • Ag. Economist, John Ikerd's Compilation of Papers
  • Agribusiness Accountability Initiative
  • Agribusiness Center
  • Agricultural Policy Analysis Center
  • Agriculture Network Information Center
  • Agriculture of the Middle
  • Allan Savory Center for Holistic Management
  • Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO)
  • American Farmland Trust
  • American Grassfed Association
  • Animal Feeding Operations
  • Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) / Mountain Partners in Agriculture (MPIA)
  • Appropriate Transfer of Technology to Rural Areas
  • Bad Things Blog
  • Bay Area Regional Diet (BARD)
  • Beyond Organic Radio Show
  • Beyond Pesticides
  • BioDemocracy Mobilization
  • Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture
  • Business Alliance for Local Living Economies
  • California Certified Organic Farmers
  • California Farm to School Program at the Center for Food and Justice, Occidental College
  • California Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
  • Cash Receipts by State (USDA)
  • Cauyuga Basin
  • Center for a Livable Future
  • Center for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems
  • Center for Ecoliteracy Rethinking School Lunch
  • Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
  • Center for Rural Affairs
  • Center for Science in the Public Interest
  • CFSC Farm to College Program
  • CFSC Farm to School Program
  • Chicken Conference
  • City Farmer
  • Clean Water Network
  • Commodity Costs and Returns Data (USDA)
  • Jump to page:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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    Local Food Systems
    Health and Food Safety
    Food and Environment
    Food Economics
    Food and Farming Policy
    Global Food Systems
    Sustainable Agriculture
    Farm to School
    Farm to College

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