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lab fees

The Marine Biological Laboratory provides laboratories to investigators who wish to take advantage of the MBL's facilities, services, and exceptional collaborative research environment as visiting scientists. Most visiting scientists laboratories are located in the Rowe building. 2009 Summer rentals for independent scientists are for a four-month period at a rate of $64.30 per square foot, during peak period (April to September). Extra months will be billed monthly. Off peak (October to March) rental rates are $10.71/per sq ft/month.

Laboratory space may be shared by multiple investigators. The Office of the Chief Academic and Scientific Officer (CASO) will attempt to find laboratory areas, sharing arrangements and adjacencies that meet the needs of each applicant. Four-month rental fees are not normally pro-rated. However, the CASO Office will attempt to accommodate investigators who wish to rent space for less than four months by trying to match their needs with those of other applicants who may be interested in renting the same space, serially, at an appropriately reduced rate. This accommodation cannot be guaranteed.

Laboratory space is also available to qualified researchers who wish to make winter visits or spend sabbatical years at the MBL. MBL offers fellowships that may be used to support lab fees. Well maintained general use facilities and a large inventory of rental equipment are available to help meet the needs of visiting investigators. For more information about opportunities for visiting scientists, e-mail; awoolford@mbl.edu, Assistant to the Chief Academic and Scientific Officer.

research resources
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