Sunday, 1 February 2009  
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FREE web-based introduction to MeDIP technology
Thursday, 19th February 2009, 4 p.m. CET
Dr. Martina Schad, Associate Director Microarray Services of imaGenes
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WebSeminar Invitation
Join imaGenes first WebSeminar on
DNA Methylation Analysis
arrow_blue_grayLearn about the opportunities of genome-wide DNA methylation profiles
arrow_blue_grayAnalyse the methylation status of multiple samples in parallel
arrow_blue_grayCheck out the possibilities for diagnostic and prognostic testing
imaGenes Customer Satisfaction Survey
Participate online and win an iPod nano!

Customer satisfaction is imaGenes’ top priority. Thus, we are highly interested to continuously amend our products and services according to your needs. From there, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to participate in our Customer Satisfaction Survey.

For each completed questionnaire, we donate 2 Euros to SOS Kinderdörfer (Children’ Charity). In addition, you may take part in our lottery and win an iPod nano! Please complete the appropriate form with your contact details.
We would be grateful if you would support us to improve through your comments!

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Dec 08th 2008
imaGenes Products now Linked from TRANSFAC and other BIOBASE Databases
More in German, in English

Oct 15th 2008
imaGenes Joins International ORFeome Collaboration to Provide Full Protein Coding Clones for All Human Genes
More in German, in English

Sept 23th 2008
imaGenes and DNAFORM Agree Far-Reaching Cooperation on Unique Resources and Technologies
More in German, in Japanese,
in English

Sept 10th 2008
imaGenes Approved as Agilent Technologies Certified Service Provider
More in German, in English

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