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ICRAF in the Media

India-Africa collaboration launched
A historic meeting which took place in New Delhi, India Nov.10-12 will see collaboration between the two continents. Immediate outcomes include 300 postgraduate scholarships in India starting in 2009.
By Zeba Siaanoi, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-11-2008
ICRAF in the media: Bee farmers trained on profitable honey farming
The participants received fresh knowledge on honey quality, good harvest and smoking, pollen, propolis and royal jelly production, bee venom extraction and queen rearing, honey wine and mead, bee-keeping equipment, honey marketing, and access to finances. FAO, SNV and World Agroforestry Centre, ICRAF, jointly organised the training
By By Olive Ejang Tebug Ngoh, 'The post' Newspaper, Cameroon, 15-10-2008
ICRAF in the Media: Stanchart scoops top award
ICRAF was among the organisations that received a FiRe award for second position in the non profit making organisations.The FiRe Award seeks to recognise excellence in financial reporting, sound corporate governance and corporate social responsibility among companies.
By By NATION Reporter,Friday, October 10 2008, 13-10-2008
Climate Change Threatens The Himalayan Region
A joint ICIMOD/ICRAF-China seminar on Asian Water Towers was held as part of the World Water Week in Stockholm to raise awareness amongst the international community, to identify policy options strengthening the adaptation and ...
By Communication Unit, 11-09-2008
Project to clear vegetation faces huge challenges
The idea behind LandCare is that local communities identify tasks that will benefit the environment in their own area and seek public funding to perform them. It began when farmers in the Australian state of Victoria in 1986 got together to plant trees on cleared land to hold back a rising water table and increasing salination.
By Communications Unit, 06-08-2008
Farmers urged to join “Greener” Revolution
Some 100 delegates from 36 countries meeting at FAO have called on farmers to join the ongoing “Greener” revolution represented by a form of farming known as Conservation Agriculture.
By Communications Unit, 28-07-2008
Farmers urged to join “Greener” Revolution
Some 100 delegates from 36 countries meeting at FAO have called on farmers to join the ongoing “Greener” revolution represented by a form of farming known as Conservation Agriculture.
By Communications Unit, 28-07-2008
Agriculture to eliminate poverty and hunger in Africa
An IFAD-supported tree domestication programme at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has helped farmers in Cameroon
By Communications Unit, 21-07-2008
Forests to fall for food and fuel/ICRAF IN THE MEDIA
Demand for land to grow food, fuel crops and wood is set to outstrip supply, leading to the probable destruction of forests, a report warns
By By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website , 17-07-2008
New studies predict record land grab as demand soars for new sources of food, energy
Escalating global demand for fuel, food and wood fibre will destroy the world's forests, if efforts to address climate change and poverty fail to empower the billion-plus forest-dependent poor, according to two reports released today by the U.S.-based Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), an international coalition comprising the world's foremost organisations on forest governance and conservation. The studies were delivered today at an event in the House of Commons hosted by Martin Horwood, MP for Cheltenham. Sponsored by RRI and the UK-based Forest Peoples Programme, speakers included Gareth Thomas, the UK Minister for Trade and Development; authors of the two reports; as well as advocates for forest communities in Africa and Asia.According to the findings released
By Communications Unit, 17-07-2008
Ghana: Allanblackia - A New Link Between Rural Poverty Reduction and Forest Conservation
Thanks to the NOVELLA Africa Project, the Allanblackia plant has now gained the prominence it deserves, as an economic tree with great potential to reduce poverty, particularly in rural communities where it occurs.
By Ama Kudom-Agyemang; allAfrica.com, 11-07-2008
Minister of State Peter Power opens Irish Embassy in Malawi
Minister of State Peter Power opens Irish Embassy in Malawi and announces additional €10m aid package
By Communications Unit, 11-07-2008
ICRAF in the Media: Developing countries most vulnerable to global warming
World Agroforestry Centre’s Rodel Lasco is the key source in a news story with the headline, ‘RP vulnerable to global warming’ posted on the online Manilla Bulletin late last month.
By Florencio P. Narito, 09-04-2008
ICRAF in the media: Experts react to Kenya NGOs' views on carbon trading
WorldAgroforestry's Louis Verchot has been cited as the main source of an article on 'views expressed by a forum of Kenyan NGOs on carbon trading', posted on Africa Science News Service on 27 March 2008.
By Henry Neondo, 02-04-2008
ICRAF in the media: Transformations article appears on Scidev’s top 10 science stories
A story on the World Agroforestry Centre has been featured prominently in the widely read Science and Development Network’s portal – www.SciDev.org.
By Communications Unit, 02-04-2008
ICRAF in the media: New climate – new agriculture
WorldAgroforestry’s work has been significantly acknowledged in a feature story on agroforestry and climate change by Ebbe Schioller published in the Danish newspaper ‘Information’ on Monday 18 February 2008.
By Ebbe Schioller, 20-02-2008
ICRAF in the media: New climate – new agriculture
WorldAgroforestry’s work has been significantly acknowledged in a feature story on agroforestry and climate change by Ebbe Schioller published in the Danish newspaper ‘Information’ on Monday 18 February 2008.
By Ebbe Schioller, 20-02-2008
ICRAF in the Media: Dennis Garrity donates blood to help violence victims in Kenya
WorldAgroforestry’s Director General, Dennis Garrity was featured in a humanitarian pictorial in The Standard Newspaper on Friday 1 February 2008.
By Communications Unit, 05-02-2008
ICRAF in the media: New tools launched to aid African research
ILRI-ICRAF Research Methods Group's contribution towards improving African research has been acknowledged in a news article recently posted on africasciencenews.org.
By Henry Neondo, 07-01-2008
ICRAF in the media: The world ignores climate change at its own peril
WorldAgroforestry's role in the billion tree campaign was cited in a commentary by Prof Wangari Maathai published in the Daily Nation on 19 December 2007.
By Prof Wangari Maathai, 02-01-2008
ICRAF in the media: Press coverage of the ASB report
ASB continued to receive substantial coverage for its work on avoided deforestation during the just ended UN Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia.
By Brent swallow, 02-01-2008
ICRAF in the media: Kicking the CO2 habit at climate convention meet
WorldAgroforestry continue to receive recognition in the media following its role in the Billion Tree campaign and the subsequent impact this campaign has made at the climate convention meeting in Bali.
By YubaNet.Com, 13-12-2007
ICRAF in the media: Carbon trading 'key to stopping deforestation'
WorldAgroforestry has received considerable coverage in the media within the past few days following the release of the findings of a new study on the potential of avoided forestation with sustainable benefits.
By Communications Unit, 07-12-2007
ICRAF in the media: Carbon trading 'key to stopping deforestation'
WorldAgroforestry has received considerable coverage in the media within the past few days following the release of the findings of a new study on the potential of avoided forestation with sustainable benefits.
By Communications Unit, 07-12-2007
ICRAF in the media:Is the palm oil industry misleading the public?
Meine van Noordwijk of the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) says that industry claims of carbon superiority for a plantation fall short when one looks at the big picture.
By Communications Unit, 26-11-2007
ICRAF in the media: Is water scarcity a reality or the work of scare-mongers?
WorldAgroforestry Mr Maimbo Malesu, argues that projections by the climate change experts are mathematically wrong, as they do not take into consideration all the available volumes of water.
By Cosmas Butunyi, 07-11-2007
ICRAF in the media: Dreaded hyacinth returns to Lake Victoria
"It's a clear sign that things are very far from healthy. This is not the natural state of the lake," said Louis Verchot, an ecologist with the World Agroforestry Center.
By By Shashank Bengali, McClatchy Newspapers, 17-10-2007
ICRAF in the Media:‘Agroforestry’ in Kenya Improves Livelihoods, Protects Environment
ICRAF specially selected species such as Calliandra, Sesbania, Tricandra and Tree Lucerne because they are tasty to the cows, drought-resistant, easy to grow, and nutritious.
By OneWorld.net, 04-09-2007
ICRAF in the Media: If we don't act now, we are all doomed
That is the basis for initiatives like The Plant for the Planet - Billion Tree Campaign, a global campaign that was jointly launched by the Green Belt Movement, Unep, and ICRAF.
By Professor Wangari Maathai, Daily Nation., 14-08-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Our land is dying
Last year, researchers at the Nairobi-based World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) found that when eucalyptus matures, it sucks up as much as 200 litres of water each day
By John Mbaria,The Environment Correspondent,Daily Nation., 14-08-2007
ICRAF in the Media: How much water do trees take?
Using a modern water infiltration measuring technology,researchers at the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) are providing a unique way of determining how individual trees consume water.
By Kimani Chege,technews Africa, 09-08-2007
ICRAF in the Media: The new black gold
“While the details are still in the works, the ‘big story’ is becoming more clear,” said Meine van Noordwijk, principal scientist for the World Agroforestry Centre.
By Gillian Murdoch and Adhityani Arga, Malaysia Star - Malaysia , 02-08-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Climate deals turn up heat in Indonesia’s dark peatlands
“If this stays outside of the international discussions a huge opportunity will be missed.If accepted in principle, this will become part of the 2012-2017 international regime,” said Meine van Noordwijk, a principal scientist at the World Agroforestry Centre.
By Gillian Murdoc, www.reuters.com, 10-07-2007
ICRAF in the Media:The lake Victoria and its basin:Opportunities and Challenges
The EAC partner states are determined to reverse the environmental deterioration in the Lake Basin and promote its sustainable development
By East African community, The EastAfrican, June 11-17,2007, 22-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Tree Planting Campaign Gets a Billion Roots
Organisers, which also include the Green Belt Movement and the World Agro-forestry Centre (ICRAF) have been astonished at the international enthusiasm for the campaign
By AllAfrica.com, 5 June 2007 , 08-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Global tree planting campaign puts down a billion roots
Dennis Garrity, ICRAF’s Director, added: “It is with profound pride, and some amazement, that the World Agroforestry Centre joins with the Billion Tree Campaign partners to celebrate the early attainment of successful pledges to plant one billion trees for the planet.
By Press Release, Africanpath, May 31, 2007, 06-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Zambian fertilizer trees improve soil, maize production
People like ICRAF and even the government of the republic of Zambia have done quite a lot to produce seeds or seedlings which are distributed to farmers
By Sanday Chongo Kabange,VOA,Lusaka, Zambia May 22,2007 , 06-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Experts Debate Biotechnology to Boost Agricultural Production in West Africa
Dr. Harold Roy-Macauley of the World Agroforestry Center is co-author of the action plan for the development of biotechnology and bio-safety in the ECOWAS sub-region.
By By Efam Dovi,Accra, 27 March 2007 , 06-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media:East African ecologists come together to protect the environment
The newly formed society would allow for farmers across the region to have access to new technical information and use of new research, says Brent Swallow, principal scientist at the World Agroforestry Centre in Kenya.
By Media global, www.mediaglobal.org, May 11,2007., 06-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Maathai wants a billion trees to be planted
The campaign, launched five months ago by the Green Belt Movement and the World Agroforestry Centre (Icraf), surpassed its initial goal seven months ahead of its original target after Senegal pledged to plant 20 million trees
By Nation correspondent, Daily Nation, May 23, 2007, 06-06-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Malawi to roll out 'fertiliser trees' project
According to Festus Akinnifesi, Malawi's senior tree scientist and country representative of the South African Development Community (SADC) and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
By by Deogratias Mmana,23 March 2007 SciDev.Net , 27-03-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Maathai launches tree planting campaign
ICRAF has appeared in the Media for the last two days for its support of the Billion tree Campaign launched by Prof. Wangare Maathai.
By By Samuel Otieno and Wandera Ojanji, The Standard, online Edition, November 8 and 9,2006. , 21-03-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Maathai launches tree planting campaign
ICRAF has appeared in the Media for the last two days for its support of the Billion tree Campaign launched by Prof. Wangare Maathai.
By By Samuel Otieno and Wandera Ojanji, The Standard, online Edition, November 8 and 9,2006. , 21-03-2007
ICRAF in the Media:LANDCARE HIGHLIGHTS: International Landcare Conference Melbourne 2006
World Agroforestry Center chief and ILSC Chair Dennis Garrity was gratified with the overwhelming success of Conference program and encouraged Australians to get involved by supporting international Landcare groups and projects
By World Association of soil and Water Conservation Newsletter(WAWSC) Volume 22, 13-03-2007
ICRAF in the media: How global warming goes against the grain
"The impacts on agriculture in developing countries, and particularly on countries that depend on rain-fed agriculture, are likely to be devastating," says Dr. Louis Verchot, principal ecologist at the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.
By By Martin Mittelstaedt,globeandmail.com, 23/02/07, 06-03-2007
ICRAF in the Media: How the noxious plant found its way into Kenya
In an interview with The EastAfrican, Abdi Zeira of ICRAF says Prosopis juliflora was alien to Africa until 1822 when its propagation begun in Senegal, then South Africa in 1880 with Egypt getting the infamous plant in 1900.
By John Mbaria, The East African, February 12, 2007, 21-02-2007
ICRAF in the Media: A million trees? No, we need a billion
According to the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) planting trees between crops and in the boundaries around crops can help prevent soil erosion and restore soil fertility
By By Deodatus Mfugale, The Guardian, 15th February 2007, 21-02-2007
ICRAF in the Media: How the noxious plant found its way into Kenya
In an interview with The EastAfrican, Abdi Zeira of ICRAF says Prosopis juliflora was alien to Africa until 1822 when its propagation begun in Senegal, then South Africa in 1880 with Egypt getting the infamous plant in 1900.
By John Mbaria, The East African, February 12, 2007, 21-02-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Rain Capture answer to water woe
A massive potential of rainwater harvesting in Africa was underlined in a new report released at a UN Climate Convention talks in Nairobi.
By Communications Unit, 23-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media:New crops needed to avoid famines
The global network of agricultural research centres warns that famines lie ahead unless new crop strains adapted to a warmer future are developed.
By By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website, 23-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media:U.N Conference puts spotlight on reducing Impact of Climate Change
On a visit last spring, says Verchot, a soil specialist at the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi, the water was so choked with an algal bloom that a glass of it “looked like spinach soup.”
By SCIENCE, November 24, 2006, 23-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Local farmers barred from carbon trade
Louis Verchot of the world Agroforestry center(ICRAf) in Nairobi says Europe is changing goal posts could deny African poor farmwers access to the carbon dollars
By By Gatonye Gathura, Daily Nation, Thursday 11, January, 2007, 23-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media:Calliandra Shrub Boosts Cow Milk
Jane Kugonza, a research technician working with ICRAF advises farmers to feed cows on Calliandra calothyrus (Kalibwambuzi), a shrub fodder rich in protein
By John Kasozi,New vision,Kampala. December 26,2006 , 22-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media:UN steps up campaign to plant billion trees in 2007 to mitigate climate change
The campaign, inspired by Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Green Belt Movement activist Wangari Maathai and backed by Prince Albert II of Monaco and the World Agroforestry Centre-ICRAF, is being coordinated by UNEP.
By U.N news Center, January 19,2007, 22-01-2007
ICRAF in the Media: Technology to monitor plants' water intake launched
Scientists in the World Agroforestry Center(ICRAF) and their Australian Counterparts have come up with a device to measure the ammount of water consumed by different species each day.
By The East African, 16-22 October. By John Mbaria., 05-12-2006
ICRAF in the Media: Technology to monitor plants' water intake launched
Scientists in the World Agroforestry Center(ICRAF) and their Australian Counterparts have come up with a device to measure the ammount of water consumed by different species each day.
By The East African, 16-22 October. By John Mbaria., 05-12-2006
ICRAF in the Media:Smart Tabora Women reap from forests
ICRAF work in Tanzania has had positive impacts in women empowerment and poverty reduction as well as environmental protection through sustainable use of Miombo woodland resources.
By Timmy Manase,Sunday October 15,2006, Citizen Magazine,Tanzania, 01-12-2006
ICRAF in the Media: No more eucalyptus in Rwanda
Rwanda: No More Eucalyptus Trees, Says Official
By AllAfrica.com, 27th September,2006, 01-12-2006
ICRAF in the Media: No more eucalyptus in Rwanda
Rwanda: No More Eucalyptus Trees, Says Official
By AllAfrica.com, 27th September,2006, 01-12-2006
ICRAF in the Media: Syngenta to plant trees
Sygenta has set aside Sh24 million to plant 20,000 trees in the region as part of its activities to mark its fifth anniversary. The project will be conducted in partnership with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
By The Daily Nation: Tuesday 12th September, 20-11-2006
ICRAF in the Media: Rwanda: ICRAF Criticizes Planting of Eucalyptus in Dry-Lands
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) A global non-governmental organization has criticized the planting of eucalyptus and pines trees in dry-lands, describing it as hazardous to the environment and soils.
By From an article appearing in allAfrica.com, 13-09-2006
ICRAF in the media: Strategic tree planting could save water in dry areas
Researchers say that planting trees in dry regions of the world could make better use of scarce water resources. They warn, however, that planting the wrong species could worsen the problem.
By Condensed from a story in SciDev.Net, 12-09-2006
ICRAF in the media: Strategic tree planting could save water in dry areas
Researchers say that planting trees in dry regions of the world could make better use of scarce water resources. They warn, however, that planting the wrong species could worsen the problem.
By Condensed from a story in SciDev.Net, 12-09-2006
ICRAF in the media: Taming Africa's Leading Disease featured in the East African
At a recent conference in Nairobi, the World Health Organisation came under severe attack, especially because of a general suspicion by participants that its policies are tailored to benefit "big guys" - giant pharmaceutical firms - and because the health body had asked 18 companies across the world to stop manufacturing monotherapies - drugs based on artemisinin alone
By John Mbaria, 07-04-2006
ICRAF in the media: Taming Africa's Leading Disease featured in the East African
At a recent conference in Nairobi, the World Health Organisation came under severe attack, especially because of a general suspicion by participants that its policies are tailored to benefit "big guys" - giant pharmaceutical firms - and because the health body had asked 18 companies across the world to stop manufacturing monotherapies - drugs based on artemisinin alone
By John Mbaria, 07-04-2006
ICRAF in the media: Golden minds of Mapanga
Out of the tea growing district of Thyolo comes a tale of agricultural magic and sorcery. The tale is told in the activities of Mapanga Community Development Organisation, a group whose hands have set to turn everything they touch––be it dung or the mere sugar we heap in our tea–– into gold. Lying in Nansadi–Bwaira ward, or better still in the area of Group Village Headman January, about seven kilometres from Thunga Trading Centre off the Blantyre-Mulanje Road, is a revolutionary story.
By Herbert Chandilanga(Nation Online-Malawi), 02-03-2006
ICRAF in the Media:Rebuilding Asia's coastal barrier
In the wake of the December 2004 tsunami, the Indian Ocean nations affected are admitting that the damage was partially self-inflicted. Over the past 20 years, these countries have systematically destroyed one of the most effective barriers to ocean forces - mangrove forests - in the name of development.
By Marilyn Smith: The New Nation(Bangladesh) , 27-02-2006
ICRAF in the Media:Rebuilding Asia's coastal barrier
In the wake of the December 2004 tsunami, the Indian Ocean nations affected are admitting that the damage was partially self-inflicted. Over the past 20 years, these countries have systematically destroyed one of the most effective barriers to ocean forces - mangrove forests - in the name of development.
By Marilyn Smith: The New Nation(Bangladesh) , 27-02-2006
Novella Africa in the Financial Times
Novella Africa, of which ICRAF is a member, was featured in the 14 September 2005 Financial Times article 'Philanthropy fosters commercial propostitions' by Sarah Murrary.
By Tony Simons, 25-10-2005
Novella Africa in the Financial Times
Novella Africa, of which ICRAF is a member, was featured in the 14 September 2005 Financial Times article 'Philanthropy fosters commercial propostitions' by Sarah Murrary.
By Tony Simons, 25-10-2005
Canadian newspaper reports on ICRAF technology
The article, 'This time, Africa gets a real hand up', by ICRAF Director General Dennis Garrity, appeared in the Canadian national newspaper The Globe and Mail on 26 September 2005.
By Communications Unit, 25-10-2005
Canadian newspaper reports on ICRAF technology
The article, 'This time, Africa gets a real hand up', by ICRAF Director General Dennis Garrity, appeared in the Canadian national newspaper The Globe and Mail on 26 September 2005.
By Communications Unit, 25-10-2005
ICRAF featured in the Danish media
Three articles about the work of the World Agroforestry Centre recently appeared in the Danish news media. The stories, written by Ebbe Schiøler, focus on the work underway in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
By Communications Unit, 06-09-2005
ICRAF featured in the Danish media
Three articles about the work of the World Agroforestry Centre recently appeared in the Danish news media. The stories, written by Ebbe Schiøler, focus on the work underway in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
By Communications Unit, 06-09-2005
Young Nation features Emwatsi Primary School Agroforestry Project
The Young Nation (Kenya) featured the Emwatsi Primary School agroforestry project, recently selected as a finalist in the 2005 Volvo Adventure Awards.
By Tom Vandenbosch, 22-06-2005
ICRAF Bamboo work featured in The New Times (Rwanda)
ICRAF is helping establish bamboo woodlots in Rwanda's Umutara and Kigali-Ngali provinces. Read more in The New Times (Rwanda)...
By Communications Unit, 05-04-2005
ICRAF-AHT featured on BBC World Service
The African Humid Tropics Regional Bureau of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF – AHT) received a producer from a London based production house Back2Back Productions Ltd from 25-27 February 2005.
By Catherine Momha, 22-03-2005
ICRAF work with medicinals in Cameroon
Yaounde (Cameroon)— Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in the Congo Basin are not only providing medicine and food for the people of the region and beyond, they are also bringing in lots of cash—in foreign exchange.
By Tunsa Musa, 22-02-2005
Lake Victoria Schools Agroforestry Network featured on KBC radio
Listen to KBC coverage of the Lake Victoria Schools Agroforestry and Environmental Education Network
By Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, 25-01-2005

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