

Editor: Brent Sedo
Brent Sedo, Brent Sedo

Look back into history and learn about the people, places, and events of the past.

Read about the political dynasties that shaped the western world view in Western and Eastern European History. Find out why the sun never set on the British Empire. Trace the roots of civilization through Ancient History, or track the evolution of warfare in Military History. Discover the Native peoples of the New World and how their history resonates today. Explore the north in Canadian History. Find your roots through the study of Genealogy.

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feature articles

Review of 'The Haunted Land'

In: E European History

By: Feature Writer Kerry Kubilius

'The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts after Communism' by Tina Rosenberg offers insight into how Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Poland faced their Communist pasts. more...

The Battle of Ashdown

In: UK/Irish History

By: Feature Writer Joseph Allen McCullough

In 871, King Ethelred and Prince Alfred led the army of Wessex to one of the few early victories by the Anglo-Saxon's over the Danish Invaders. more...

Martial Law in Poland

In: Polish & Baltic History

By: Feature Writer Kerry Kubilius

Martial law was declared in Poland in 1981 by Prime Minister Jaruzelski in order to squash the powerful Solidarity movement and stave off economic decline. more...

The Longhouse

In: Native American/First Nations History

By: Feature Writer Jeffrey R Gudzune

Indigenous communities of the northeast constructed a multi-purpose dwelling that was used as a communal home as well as a community center. more...

John Alexander Macdonald, Born January 11, 1815

In: Canadian History

By: Feature Writer Susanna McLeod

Born in Scotland, John Alexander Macdonald grew up in Kingston. A quiet boy, John was passionate about books, language, and eventually, law, politics and Canada. more...

A History of York Minster

In: Medieval History

By: Feature Writer Rachel Bellerby

York Minster has a history stretching back some 1,400 years, but Christianity was established in the area long before the Minster was created. more...

The Emergence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

In: Middle Eastern History

By: Feature Writer Neil Gunn

The emergence and survival of King Hussein in the early years of the Kingdom of Jordan is one of the most remarkable political and personal stories of a generation. more...

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