Organic Farming Systems and Nutrient Management

Biosolids Management

Biosolids are stabilized solids from municipal wastewater treatment that meet federal criteria for land application. They are a good source of plant nutrients (particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc). We have done research on nutrient availability from biosolids in dryland wheat rotations in eastern Washington and irrigated forage grasses in western Washington. We also have a biosolids and compost demonstration garden at WSU Puyallup. We have been partners in a national biosolids study designed to develop simple methods to predict the availability of nitrogen from different types of biosolids in different environments, and in a study assessing the fate of flame retardants in biosolids.

Photo produce grown with biosolids

Worksheet for calculating biosolids application in agriculture:
Publications - Extension and Management Bulletins:

Biosolids management guidelines for Washington State.  (online pdf, or Request hard copy). Cogger, C.G., D.M. Sullivan, C.L. Henry, and K. P. Dorsey.   2000.  Washington State Dept. Ecology Pub. #93-80. 

Worksheet for calculating biosolids application in agriculture. (online pdf) Cogger, C.G. and D.M. Sullivan. 2007. PNW 511-E. Washington State University Cooperative Extension.

Fertilizing with Biosolids. (online html or pdf) Sullivan, D.M. 2007. PNW 508-E. Oregon State University Extension Service.

Publications - Peer-reviewed Journals:

Biosolids processing effects on first and second year available N. (request pdf e-copy) Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., D.M. Sullivan, and E.A. Myhre. 2004. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:162-167.

Decomposition and plant-available nitrogen in biosolids: Laboratory studies, field studies, and computer simulation. (request pdf e-copy) Gilmour, J.T., C.G. Cogger, L.W. Jacobs, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1498-1507.

Seven years of biosolids vs. inorganic nitrogen applications to tall fescue. (request pdf e-copy, or view html abstract) Cogger, C.G., A.I Bary, S.C. Fransen, and D.M. Sullivan. 2001. J. Environ. Qual. 30:2188-2194.

Biosolids recycling: Nitrogen management and soil ecology. (request pdf e-copy) Cogger, C.G., T.A. Forge, and G.H. Neilsen, 2006. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86:613-620

Nitrogen recovery from heat-dried and dewatered biosolids applied to forage grasses. (abstract - html) Cogger, C.G., D.M. Sullivan, A.I. Bary, and S.C. Fransen. 1999. J. Environ. Qual. 28:754-759.

Matching plant-available nitrogen from biosolids with dryland wheat needs. (online pdf) Cogger, C.G., D.M. Sullivan, A.I. Bary, and J.A. Kropf. 1998. J. Prod. Agric. 11:41-47.

Biosolids and dairy manure as nitrogen sources for prairiegrass on a poorly drained soil. (abstract - html) Sullivan, D.M., S.C. Fransen, C.G. Cogger, and A.I. Bary. 1997. J. Prod. Agric. 10:589-596.

Publications - Other Reports:

Estimating nitrogen availability from biosolids. (online - pdf) Cogger, C.G., A.I. Bary, D.M. Sullivan, and E.A. Myhre. 2003. NW Biosolids Management Assoc. Seattle, WA. Short research note.

Using Biosolids as Growing Media in Greenhouse Production of Chrysanthemums. (online - html) Hummel, R., Krucker, M., and Cogger, C. 2003. , WSU.

Agronomic biosolids application rates for dryland wheat across a range of Northwest climate zones. (online - pdf) Sullivan, D.M., Bary, A.I., and Cogger, C.G. 2007. Proc. Western Nutrient Mgmt. Conf, 7: 188-193. Salt Lake City, UT.

Department of Crops and Soils, Contact Us
Washington State University Puyallup Research Center, 2606 W Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371