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Pasture-based Dairy Unit

• To examine grazing strategies and other herd management techniques that provide environmentally sound and economical milk production while also generating an acceptable level of family income and quality of life.
• To evaluate and disseminate practical results among farmers, farm advisors, service industry personnel, students, and others.

Holstein dairy cows grazing forageEastern North Carolina has potential advantages for pasture-based dairy production systems: productive land; a long growing season; a need for diversification; and less urban pressure compared to other parts of the state. Lower-investment pasture systems may provide a competitive advantage for new or relocating dairy farm businesses. The Southeastern U.S. is
deficient in fluid milk products and economic, pasture-based dairying may be one way to help stabilize local milk supplies.

Dairy Facilities
The CEFS dairy is different from most dairy farms in NC and the US for several reasons:
1). Approximately 170 cows and associated young stock do most of forage harvesting via grazing although supplemental concentrates and stored forages are available as needed.
2). Pasture-based also means that there is minimal manure storage and cattle also recycle nutrients from urine and feces back to the fields.
3). The milking facilities are a “swing-type” with 14 units that allow for cows to be milked efficiently within 2 to 3 hours each milking rather than long shifts of 5 to 7 hours.
4). Cows are seasonally calved so that animals can be managed efficiently in groups.
5). Crossbreeding is studied in comparison to pure Jerseys and pure Holsteins.
6). New-born calves are started on pasture in small groups at about 10-14 days of age and fed milk once a day in a trough.
7). There is no free-stall housing; however, shade paddocks are used in summer and supplemental forage is provided in designated winter lounging areas.

Projects and Activities
• Examine seasonal dairy calf, heifer and cow management with fall-calving cows.
• Demonstrate economi cal milking facility designed for rapid milking.
• Compare Holstein and Jersey cows to Jersey-Holstein crosses in production and reproductive efficiency.
• Examine optimal stocking rates for dairy pasture systems and develop strategies for optimal supplementation of pasture with grains and stored forages.
• Examine alternative strategies for parasite control and control of mastitis.
• Encourage dung beetles and other beneficial organisms.
• Monitor nutrient inputs and outputs and optimize economic and environmental goals.
• Explore opportunities for pasture-finished dairy beef and organic dairy production in the region.
• Examine differences in milk composition from various feeding regimens.
• Conduct pasture management training schools and internships for farmers, agricultural advisors, and students.

For more information on this project contact:

Steve Washburn, Ph.D.
Dairy Unit Coordinator
Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University
Box 7621/NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695-7621
Phone: 919-515-7726

Jim Green, Ph.D.
Extension Forage Specialist (Retired)
Department of Crop Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University
Box 7620/NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695-7620
Phone: 919-515-2390

Geoff Benson, Ph.D.
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University
Box 8109/NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695-8109
Phone: 919-515-5184

Eddie Pitzer
Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS)
North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
201 Stevens Mill Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530
Phone: 919-731-3270

Supported by:
North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
North Carolina A&T State University School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service

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